18 - Dreaming of Reality

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Akshara shifted her eyes back and forth between the empty couch and the Abhimanyu sleeping beside her as the reality of what had just occurred dawned on her.


It has not been a dream.

Unable to contain her horror and embarrassment, Akshara did the only thing she could think of.

She screamed.

Akshara screamed at the top of her lungs as she pushed away from Abhimanyu's rock hard abs which were clearly outlined in the thin material he was wearing which he called a shirt. In a bid to get away from him, she pushed back, falling flat on her ass on the hardwood floor.

"Ouch!" Akshara yelled as she rubbed her bum, trying to soften the blow.

Abhimanyu leaned over the side of the bed, enjoying the cartoon caricature he called wife now.

"Come on now, I don't look that scary early in the opening. You on the other hand..." Abhimanyu raised his brows in an ick, as his voice trailed off.

Akshara glared up at Abhimanyu ready to wage war against her husband when she saw he wasn't staring at her at all. She followed his gaze down to his center of attention to see he was staring directly at the hard peaks of her breasts.

Her mouth agape, Akshara wrapped her arms around her chest, horrified about what the hell was happening to her body around Abhimanyu. She was officially a train wreck and it was just the first day of their marriage!

"Stop staring!" Akshara chastised, offended for her boobs who were subjected to such atrocity.

"Sorry. Can't. Am a man. It's a natural inbuilt instinct." Abhimanyu replied casually.

"Abhimanyu!" Akshara reprimanded, slowly being driven crazy with her own embarrassment and a reckless no filter husband of a man.

"Fine. If you say so. But just curious about one thing. Is this how you normally wake up every day? Because if you do, I don't mind it at all. This is even better than a morning alarm." He commented, teasing her.

"I thought I was having a dream." Akshara grumbled, getting up from the ground.

"A sex dream? About me? Even better!" Abhimanyu exclaimed, excitedly, getting up from the bed and standing facing Akshara.

"Shut up! I wasn't having a sex dream about you." Akshara denied, her cheeks turning tomato red as she avoided Abhimanyu's gaze.

"How many other men do you know named Abhimanyu?" He asked, pressing her buttons.


"Name one," Abhimanyu challenged.

Akshara watched with wide open eyes, her eyes flickering with need, her cheeks turning a rosy pink, and her panties dampening as Abhimanyu picked up the hand that had just been exploring the most intimate parts of her, with her release still glistening on the fingertips and waved it in front of her. Distracting her.

"Uhhhh..." Akshara tried very hard to concentrate on the challenge Abhimanyu had given her. What was it anyway? Names? No. Was it?

"Come on, I'm waiting." He urged her.

"Uhhhh..." Damnit! Why was she drawing up blanks?

"Thought so." He replied, seductively as he one by one, placed his finger in his mouth and suckled off the remnants of her juices.

Akshara's eyes flared —that is until she remembered who he was. And why they were intertwined in this weird game of fate. Immune. She needed to be immune to his charms. She couldn't be getting turned on by her fake husband. He was a playboy. All this was second nature to him.

And whatever happened this morning was just going to stay the way it was. A one time thing. A mistake. A dream —which had inadvertently turned into a reality of a nightmare.

"What were you doing in bed anyway? You were supposed to be sleeping on the couch!"

"And miss out on the sex dream you had of me? How could I ever leave you wanting? Why even dream of me when you can have the real thing, baby? Next time, all you gotta do is ask!" He replied, cockily, enjoying her moment of weakness.

"You knew I was dreaming. You could have stopped!"

"I was asleep. I did say stop. Which you ignored! You were the one rubbing yourself on me, willing me to touch you. You know I can't say no to a lady's request. I was just obliging you." He answered, innocently.

"You are a jerk, you know!"

"And yet I star in your sex dreams."

Yeah. She was never going to live that down. Abhimanyu was going to make sure of it.

Akshara stomped her feet on the ground, wanting to whine out loud but stopped. Instead she collected what was remaining of her dignity and stormed off to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her with a slam.

Abhimanyu watched Akshara storm off and smiled to himself. He leaned back and fell on the soft mattress behind him with a thud as he couldn't stop laughing.

Just then he heard the shower turn on and that's when he heard her. A loud scream. A very loud agitated, annoyed and frustrated scream.

And it was just day one. Abhimanyu sighed in contentment as he rested his head on his arms as he stared up at the ceiling.


The next year was going to be alot of fun.


I hope you all liked this chapter! Let me know in the comments how it was! Thank you!

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