That stream

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Phil was decided to be the one who would announce the stream. Mostly because he was the least likely to break down in the middle, unlike others. 

Phil started up the stream with a sigh, simply titling it Some news... not exactly sure what to say. 

The chat flooded with viewers. Phil had donations turned off and ignored the chat. "Hey guys," Phil said solemnly. "I... I have some bad news. Really bad."

What's wrong?

What's going on?

Are you alright?

Is it Wilbur?

Is it Addison?

What's going on?

Phil struggled to maintain his composure. "Uh... A few nights ago... something happened."





Phil sighed. "Addison... passed away a few nights ago," he said, his voice cracking.



This has to be a joke... right?


Not Addy...




Tears filled Phil's eyes. "She... The paramedics are still investigating the exact cause of death, but Addison basically woke up in the middle of the night choking and unable to breathe. We called 9-1-1 and... they weren't able to come in time. Addison... she passed away knowing she was loved."

Phil closed his eyes and a couple of tears fell. He cleared his throat. "She... uh... she..." He stopped, his voice cracking. 

Phil, it's alright. Go grieve w/ the SMP. You don't have to explain everything.

We know how much Addison meant to all of you. Take all the time you need to go grieve. 

We're all here for you Philza.

Thank you for telling us, it must be super hard rn.

Agreed. Go grieve.

Phil smiled sadly. Chat was practically pushing him out of the stream. "Thank you chat... She... She really loved you guys, I hope you know that... She..." 

"She was always happy," Phil heard through the VC he'd joined. 

Technoblade had joined. 

Techno, who hadn't spoken for a week, was talking in front of thousands of people. "She always was trying so hard to make everyone smile, even as her life got harder and harder." 

Phil nodded with a smile, trying not to cry. 

"She was always joking around with me," Tommy was there too. "She was always trying to make us laugh, and didn't take things too seriously." 

"She had some crazy ideas," Tubbo smiled ruefully. "She was always doing something." 

"I was going to help her dye her hair," Niki whispered. 

Dream laughed. "She sucked at manhunts." 

Ranboo sighed. "She was always trying to race you guys, remember?" 

Addison- A FatherSoot OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now