Who the actual crimson colored fuck are you???

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I want y'all to know, I am not sorry. I am not not not not sorry. 

Tw; Car crash, blood

Tw for the rest of the book; Blood, trauma, ptsd. I'm not writing that every chapter so basically blood, medical stuff, and trauma. 


Wilbur was upstairs streaming when Addison heard a knock on the door. She opened it to find a middle aged man on the other side, smelling heavily of cigarette smoke and beer. 

"My dad's in a meeting." Addison said. It was her first instinct to say instead of "My dad is streaming". "If that's who you're looking for." 

"Actually," the man gave her a greasy smile. "I'm looking for you. Are you Addison Haynes?" 

Addison frowned. "I don't... I don't think I should answer that." 

"I'm Jared Haynes." the man introduced. 

Addison looked startled. "Who the actual crimson colored fuck are you and why are you here?!" she exclaimed. 

The man made an attempt to look kind. "I'm your father, Addison." 

Addison stepped backwards, starting to close the door. "I'm sorry, you have the wrong person. My father is upstairs." 

She tried to close the door, but the strange man stepped inside. Now he was in the house! Addison started to panic. Her father had left when her mom was pregnant. Addison had no idea who he was. Could this man actually be her biological father? 

"S-Sir, I need you to leave." Addison stuttered. "I don't know who you are." 

"But you should." Jared said sincerely. "I know I left when you were a baby. I know that that was wrong of me. But I'm better now, and I want to be a part of your life." 

"You need to leave." Addison said again. "I don't know you! My father isn't you!" 

"I saw your video." Jared smiled. "You've grown up so much. But you deserve a father who's life isn't on the internet. One who doesn't force you to show yourself to thousands of people." 

"He doesn't!" Addison yelled. "That was my choice! Don't talk about my daddy like that!" 

"I am your dad." Jared insisted. "Come home with me. Let me show you a real stable home." 

"I don't know you." Addison insisted. "Get out of here. I'm getting my dad." 

She turned to go upstairs and find Wilbur, but the man grabbed her wrist and pulled Addison backwards. Addison tripped over her own feet and stumbled, hitting her head on the tile. She cried out and Jared tried to help her to her feet. She struggled out of his grip and fell backwards again. "Daddy!" she shouted. 


Addison and Jared turned to Wilbur sprinting down the stairs. He pulled Jared away from Addison and pinned him to the wall, punching him in the face. "Don't touch her!" Wilbur screamed. Addison crawled over to the corner and curled into a ball. "Leave her alone! Who the fuck are you?!" 

"I'm her father!" Jared yelled. "I'm her biological father and I've come to take her home." 

"What?!" Wilbur and Addison cried. 

"Leave me alone!" Addison added. "I don't want to go with you. Wilbur is my father!" 

"And you're on my property. If you want to have a relationship with your daughter, come and talk to me with proof of DNA and speak to me like an actual adult." Wilbur shoved Jared out the door. "For now, leave, and don't come back." 

Addison- A FatherSoot OC storyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat