Fundy; Stares directly into Techno's eyes. "I lied."

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The entire title is Fundy; Stares directly into Techno's eyes. "I lied." 
Me; Stares directly into your eyes. "I lied." 

TWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTW THAT I ALREADY WARNED ABOUT I THINK!!! I DID I CHECKED!!!!!!!!!! If this is triggering just skip to the bottom, I'll recap. 

For the record, some of you refer to me as author which gives me some weird mental state. Y'all can just refer to me as Storm, I don't mind. (You guys are all going to be screaming at me soon, so I figured you'd want a name to call me by :) )


​Addison woke up gagging. She couldn't breathe. Clementine was at her side, trying to help her sit up.

Addison grabbed the dog's neck and used Clementine to pull herself up. She threw up, her hand reaching for a light.

"Get- help." She choked out to Clementine. Clementine raced into the hallway, barking.

Addison coughed again. She was struggling to breathe and was gasping for air. The world was starting to spin around her. She'd managed to hit the lamp, so at least she could see.

Yeah, the blood she was coughing up.

What the hell? Addison thought. What had happened? Had she had another seizure?

Clay ran in. "Addison! Nick! Call 9-1-1!"

"What's going on?" Phil demanded.

Clay was at Addison's side. "It's okay. You're going to be okay. Just breathe. Try and breathe for me, Addy. Okay? Just breathe."

"I can't!" Addison was sobbing. "I can't breathe!"

"Take a breath. Try and calm down. Please Addy, you need to breathe."

"Addy, help is coming," Phil said soothingly. Half asleep, SMP members filled the room. Niki (being absolutely brilliant) had grabbed a bucket, and Addison threw up into that. Clay, Phil, and Techno were all trying not to show how panicked they were. 

Clementine pressed against Addison's back, holding her up with Clay. "Good puppy..." Addison whispered. Her eyes seemed far away. "Daddy?" 

"Shhh..." Clay said, running his hand through her hair. "Daddy's not here right now. You'll see him later." 

"What do you mean?" Addison asked. "You're right here." 

"Addison?" Clay said confusedly. 

"I'm glad you woke up before..." Addison coughed. "I missed you." 

"Addy, stop," Clay commanded. "You're not dying! You're not!" 

"It hurts so much, I have to be," Addison smiled. "It's okay. I've had a good life. I can't thank you enough for all the amazing things you've done for me." 

"Addison, you'll be okay. Help is coming. Just stay alive!" Phil cried. 

Clementine whimpered. "Good dog," Addison murmured. "At ease, Clementine." That was their favorite command, but Addy only used it once, on the fourth of July. 

"Addison, you can't die yet. There's so much you haven't done! We still have to take you to New York! Remember?" Clay demanded desperately. "Your 13th! You have so much more you wanted to do! You wanted to create animal shelters and orphanages and you can't give up now! You have so much left to live for!" 

Addison smiled. "Go to New York for me, yeah?" 

"Addison, no! You can't die! Addy!" Clay was panicking. "Nick, I need the paramedics!" 

"Five minutes." 

"We don't have five minutes!" 

Addison's eyes started to flutter close. "I don't want to leave you daddy," she whimpered. 

"Then don't!" Clay cried. "Keep fighting! Please! Keep fighting!" 

"I... I love... you daddy..." Addison choked out, her eyes closing. 

Her breathing slowed to a stop.

 "Addy?" Phil demanded. "Addison!" 

They heard paramedics burst through the door. "She's over here!' Niki cried. 

The paramedics ran into the room and over to Addison. One pulled Clay away, and they tried to restart her breathing. Clay stumbled over to George, who grabbed his arm. 

"There's a blockage in her lungs." 

"Lungs are full of fluid." 

"We need to suction it out." 

"Four minutes, no oxygen." 

"The blood's filled her lungs, can't do compressions." 

"There's internal bleeding, suctioning won't work." 

One paramedic stepped back. "It's too late. I'm calling it. Time of death, 2:37." 

"No..." Clay breathed. 

"Who here is her parent?" the paramedic asked the group. 

"Her father's in a coma," Phil said, stepping forward. "I'm her temporary guardian." 

The paramedic nodded. "I'm sorry for your loss." 

Your loss. 

They took the body. 

They took Addison's body! 

The body of Wilbur's daughter....

She was gone... 

Your loss. 

Clay fell to the ground, hitting his knees and curling into a ball. His head was reeling. How could Addison just be gone, like that?!

He sobbed, and Clementine whimpered. Clay looked up and saw the dog sitting next to him. She nosed his arm, which was wrapped around his stomach, and Clay reached out shakily, petting her head. 

Phil quietly walked forward, reaching out and touching Addison's bed. There was fresh blood on it, but he didn't care. 

Ranboo sat against the wall, closing his eyes. Tears ran down his face. Tubbo curled into his shoulder, sobbing. 

Techno joined Phil over by the bed. He wrapped his arm around Phil's shoulders. Phil turned towards him, sobbing. Techno ignored the tears running down his own cheeks. 

Niki stared out the window, watching the paramedics leave with Addison's body. Jack came over to her and touched her shoulder gently, before wrapping her into a hug. 

"They said she'd be okay," Tommy whispered. No one noticed. "They said... They said she was okay! What happened?! How could this have happened?!" 

"Tommy," Schlatt said quietly. "Stop." 

Tommy turned to him. "What could have happened? They lied! They said she'd be okay!" 

"C'mere Toms," Sam murmured. He led Tommy to the ground, who buried his head in Sam's hoodie and started screaming. "Shh.... It's... You're.... I know it hurts. I know..." 

"What about Wilbur?" Badboyhalo asked. 

What the hell were they going to tell Wilbur? 


Hee hee hee I lied. 

Basically, for those of you who skipped it; Addison woke up in the middle of the night super sick for some reason and she thought Clay was her dad. Then she died. 

Stay safe, stay happy, stay kind. 

Please don't kill me. 



I'm about 30% sorry. 

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