So.... About that.

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Tw; Bullying. Blood (mentions)

Wilbur walked out of his office to Addison playing Solitaire on the couch. 

She was sitting in a really awkward position. Her left hand was covering her entire left side of her face and was sitting on her knee, meaning she was bent strangely. 

"Addison?" Wilbur asked. Addison looked up, not removing her hand. Even weirder. "Is there a reason you're sitting like that?" 

Addison shrugged. "It's comfy." she said, but barely because she couldn't talk around the hand covering her mouth. 

"Well, move it. I wanna talk to you." Wilbur laughed. Addison slowly moved her hand down. 

Revealing the black eye, bruised cheek, and split lip. 

Wilbur froze. "What the hell?!" he demanded, running forward to examine her face. 

"I got inna fight..." Addison mumbled. 

"You what?!" Wilbur exclaimed. "How?! Addison!" 

"I-It wasn't my fault." Addison mumbled, tears welling in her eyes. "I swear." 

"I know." Wilbur sighed, speaking gently. "I'm sorry. What happened?" 

"Me an' Hope were bein' picked on. When we tried to stand up for ourselves, they beat us up!" 

"What? Who?" Wilbur exclaimed. "Why? What did they make fun of you for?" 

"I don't wanna talk about it." Addison mumbled. 

Wilbur sighed. He ran downstairs and grabbed an ice pack and the first-aid kit. He went back upstairs and gave the ice pack to Addison. "For your eye." he said. 

"Thanks." Addison murmured. She put it against the left side of her busted face. Then Wilbur got to work patching up her split lip and knuckles, along with other scratches.

"What happened?" Wilbur asked when he was done. 

Addison sighed. "I.... We were just watching a video of the SMP on my phone. These boys from the middle school.... they started making fun of us for it." 

"Why?" Wilbur inquired. 

"Well.... The SMP is kind of.... made fun of. This isn't the first time. I've been told lots of things like how I could do so much better.... How the SMP is bad.... These boys even asked me if I was watching SMP porne." 

"What?!" Wilbur exclaimed. 

"Yeah!" Addison cried. "I told them to fuck off and they fuckin' shoved me!" 


"Yeah...." Addison looked down. "We got in a bit of a fight..." 

"I got that part." Wilbur said dryly. "But I don't get it. What's wrong with the SMP?" 

"I don't really know..." Addison trailed. "It may just be the fans." 

"What do you mean?" Wilbur asked. 

"The only fans people know are the odd ones." Addison explained. "You know, like the ones on.... Twitter." 

"More please?" 

"The internet's weird." Addison said. "And there's the die hard, writes ship fanfics, draws ship art, cares more about your lives than they do their own. That's the fans people know." 

Me; Coughs nervously. Anyways..... XD

"So they beat you up for that?!" 

"No." Addison amended. "They made fun of me for the SMP. They beat me up because after they shoved me down I punched one in the nuts." 

"I have never been more proud of you." Wilbur said. 

"Yeah... Then I got the shit beat out of me. At least Hope got okay." 

"Did she run?" Wilbur asked. 

"No." Addison smiled fondly. "More like I kept shoving her away and taking on all three boys myself." 

Wilbur sighed. "Of course you did." 


"And then she tells me they made fun of her for watching the SMP! I'm like, what the fuck?!" 

Wilbur sighed, shoving his face into his hands. Harsh light from Phil, Tommy, and Techno's face cams glare across his slouched posture. He'd put Addison to bed an hour ago, and a light 'let's edit together!' session turned into 'Wilbur venting session' after Tommy asked him why he seemed so stressed. No one was getting anything done.

"Wow." Phil said. 

"I WILL GO TO THEIR HOMES AND MAKE THEM ORPHANS!" Techno shouted. He was very protective of Addison. 

"THOSE LITTLE DICKHEADS!" Tommy screamed. 

"Yeah." Wilbur said. "Well, no Techno. But yes to the rest." 

"Heh?!" Techno shouted. "I wanna make them orphans!" 

"No death Techno. She's a kid. It's sadly part of life." Phil shook his head. "Doesn't make me any less angry about it though." 

Wilbur sighed. "Me either. I don't know. I just needed to vent." 


Wilbur turned. Addison was at his doorway. "I can't sleep." she mumbled. "My face hurts and I can't get comfy." 

Wilbur sighed. Tomorrow was Saturday anyways. He could let her stay up a bit longer. "Do you wanna hang out with me and the sleepy bois?" 

Addison nodded eagerly. She sat on his lap and Wilbur made another mental note to buy a gaming chair for her. She was certainly in here enough. 

"HEY ADDIS- Holy shit." Tommy said. 

Phil and Techno were silent. "I got beat up." Addison said. 

Techno got really close to the microphone. "I restate my statement. Orphans. Just say the word." 

"No Techno." Phil and Wilbur said together. 

"The word." Tommy said. 

Addison rolled her eyes. 

For a while, they played Minecraft with Addison. She started yawning and leaned against Wilbur, who shifted to make sure she was more comfortable. "Good night Addy." he whispered. 

The Sleepy Bois all cooed at Addison sleeping. "She is so fucking adorable." Tommy said. 

Phil and Techno agreed. "So what was the verdict on the orphans?" 



Ayup everyone. 

I just wanted to let ya know that I'm not going to kill Techno from cancer in my fic (Rest in peace Techno) It feels kind of insensitive to me. Like, we're able to do all these things to these characters because (As far as we know) they aren't actually happening. But this did and is affecting a lot of people IRL. Just wanted to let ya know. Also, Covid doesn't exist. Mostly because I'm lazy and don't want to write it in. 

Anyways, please, stay safe, stay happy, stay kind. 

I have a stuffed panda in my lap. 



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