Addison's mumza

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Wilbur wasn't home when Addison was. 

She took the bus (Because if anyone recognized her or Wilbur they would probably create a massive crowd...) and normally Wilbur was either home editing or streaming. Today, he wasn't. 

Addison shrugged. She'd kind of been hoping that a day like this would come. She had no homework, and now she wanted to streeeeeeeaaaaammmmm. 

Addison walked upstairs and into Wilbur's home office. She clicked on Twitch and hit go live, titling the video Hopefully I don't get in trouble for this. She watched the stream fill with viewers who were all wondering if there was supposed to be a stream. There wasn't. 

"Hey guys!!!" Addison greeted. "So Wilbur isn't home right now... but I am! He doesn't know I'm streaming... hopefully. Anyways, I'm going to play on the DSMP so if y'all want to watch. Maybe I can get the child on, if you know who I'm saying." 

She joined vc2 and called Phil, logging onto the SMP. "Philzzzzzaaaaaaaaaa!" she smiled. "Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy." 

"Where's Wilbur?" Phil asked. 

Addison fake pouted. "You don't wanna see me?" she asked. 

"That's not what I said and you know it. Does your father know you're streaming?" 

"Nope!" Addison smiled. "But he'll only care if I do something bad like blow up L'manberg or kill Friend. Which I would never do. Is Tommy online?" 

Phil sighed. "Vc1." he said. 

"Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." is what Addison heard when she joined vc1. "It's the only orphan I like." 

"HI ADDY!" Tommy shouted. 

"Hi Tommy! Hi Tech!" Addison grinned. "Wat'cha doinnnnnnnnnnng?" 

"Not much." Techno answered. "Anarchy, murder, you know, the usual." 

"Lovely." Addison said sarcastically. 

"I'm building a cobblestone tower." Tommy grinned. 

"Alright then. Don't we have enough of those?" Addison asked. 

"NO SUCH THING!" Tommy shouted, offended. 

Addison laughed. She actually had her own lore on the SMP. Probably one of the least tragic. Since no one would let Ghostbur parent anything ever, Addison had been sent to an adoption facility that Fundy had conveniently built for himself a few days before she joined. She'd actually been adopted by Tubbo and Ranboo, and was basically their second child. There was an adoption war, basically, where everyone fought over who was keeping Addison. It was funny to watch. 

After about an hour or so, Addison got a call from Wilbur. "Uh oh..." she said. "Wilbur's calling." 

"Answer it." Phil commanded.

"Hey!" Addison said, forced cheer since she probably wasn't supposed to be on a stream alone. 

"Hey." Wilbur sounded distracted. "Uh... Sorry for not being home. I should be there in about fifteen? I'm grabbing pizza." 

"That's sounds good!" Addison said. 

"HI WIL!" Tommy shouted. 

"Is that Tommy?!" Wilbur demanded. "Are you streaming?!" 

"MMMMMMaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyybbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." Addison grinned. "Where weeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuu." 

"Nowhere." Wilbur answered quickly. 

Addison- A FatherSoot OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now