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"I've got..... breakfast...." 

Phil walked upstairs to find the TV running and both Wilbur and Addison asleep. Addison was snuggled up to Wilbur's chest, and his head was on hers. Phil smiled, and pulled a Dadza, snapping a picture. 

Those two need sleep. Phil thought. Then again.... Addison probably would be hungry. 

Meh, Wilbur at least had a warming plate, and Phil could stick stuff in there. For now, he'll let them sleep. 

Pov switch. 

Addison yawned, stretching away from...

 Why was she sleeping on Wilbur? 

Wilbur stirred. "Hey Addy. What's up?" he whispered. 

"We fell asleep." she murmured. 

"Oh, oops. Wonder what time it- Holy shit it's three in the afternoon." 

"Really?" Addison asked. Wilbur stood up. 

"I wonder where... PHIL! PHILZA!" 

Addison flinched at his loud voice. "Sorry Addy. I forgot to warn you. PHIL WHERE ARE YOU?!" 

"I'm downstairs!" Phil called back. "Just watching YouTube!" 

Wilbur walked downstairs. Addison decided to follow him, peeking out shyly. "Hey Phil." he greeted. 

"Hey Wilbur. Hi Addison." Phil greeted. 

"H-Hi." Addison stuttered. 

"You want some lunch?" Phil asked. "I can make grilled cheese." 

Addison nodded. "Y-Yes please, sir." she whispered. 

Phil smiled gently. "Hon, you don't have to call me sir. Phil's fine. Makes me feel old." 

"You are old." Wilbur laughed, following behind him. 

Addison rushed to be behind him. "After this we should probably take her shopping." Phil said. 

"Shopping?" Addison asked. 

"Yeah." Wilbur replied. "For clothes and essentials. Mostly so you can stop sleeping on the couch." 

Addison looked really confused. "You're letting me s-stay?" she whispered. 

Wilbur turned. "Of course Addy! What else would we do?" 

Addison shrugged. "I don't know. Kick me out?" 

"No!" Wilbur cried. He ran over to Addison and bent down to her level. Addison flinched. "We'd never get rid of you, I promise. I can't just kick you out like that. If you wanted to leave, I'd let you. But I'd never ever force you to go." 

"Really?" Addison whispered. 

"Of course." Wilbur reassured. "Now, let's get you some food and then some clothes. Phil makes a mean grilled cheese." 

Later because lazy haha

They were in Wilbur's car to go to the mall. 

"What's a mall?" Addison asked. 

"It's basically a place with many different shops. There's clothes, decor, and everything else. They even have a food court." 

"Food court?" 

"It's a place with a bunch of different types of food." Wilbur answered. Phil noticed just how patient he was being with Addison, answering all of her questions and not rushing her to do anything. He let her be her at her own pace, and Addison was responding well to it. 

Addison- A FatherSoot OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now