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This is a chapter I meant to post before I decided everything was going to hell... but we saw how that turned out... So... Here we go!

It might seem a little out of order, but basically Addison's going through her memories in her comatose state. 

TW; past death, nightmare about abuse, 


"How long did you know?!" Addison cried. 

She and Wilbur were sitting in the living room. He'd just told her that her mom passed away. "Addy..." Wilbur tried. 

"How long have you been keeping this from me?!" Addison looked so so so hurt. "When did you find out?" 

"When you were in the hospital." Wilbur admitted. "When you ripped your stitches I called your mom and a detective answered the phone. They told me what happened." 

"That's been months!" Addison yelled. "You didn't tell me for months!" 

Wilbur looked down. "I just... I just wanted you to be happy for a little bit. You deserve that, Addy." 

"I can't believe you." Addison snarled. "I wasn't happy! I thought mom hated me! I thought she didn't want to see me again! I blamed myself!" 

"You did?" Wilbur whispered. 

"And all this time... When.... When did she die?" 

"The night after the trial." Wilbur replied quietly. "Addy... she didn't hate you. Your mom loved you." 

"Stop." Addison said. 

"And you shouldn't blame yourself." 


"She did want to see you again. She just did something in a bad mental state and-" 

"JUST STOP!" Addison screamed. "I don't want to hear you! How dare you keep this from me?" 

"I was trying to keep you happy!" Wilbur cried. 

"A real dad would have just told me!" Addison shouted. 

She stopped, realizing what she said. "Addy..." Wilbur said, hurt covering his face. 

Addison sobbed and fled upstairs. 

She slammed the door closed and fell to the floor, sobbing. She curled into a ball and gripped her hair. Her head was reeling. 


WIlbur called Tommy, going into his room. 

"Wilbur?" Tommy asked. "What's up?" 

Wilbur sobbed, sliding down the wall. "Wil?" Tommy demanded. "Wilbur? What's wrong?!" 

"You were right." Wilbur cried. "You were right! I should have listened to you!" 

"Right about what?" Tommy demanded. 

"She hates me! She hates me, Tommy!" 

"Who hates you?" Tommy asked. 

"Addison!" Wilbur sobbed. 

"Addy? What happened?" 

"I told her about her mum!" Wilbur explained. "And she... she..." Wilbur broke off, sobbing. 

Tommy took a breath. He had to be the big man now. "Is she okay?" Tommy demanded. 

"She said I wasn't a real dad!" 

Tommy stopped. "Oh Wil..." he said. 

"And she's right! A real dad wouldn't have kept this from her! I failed her, Tommy!" 

"You did not fail her." Tommy said firmly. "Wil, listen to me. You did not fail Addison. She really loves you, and she wouldn't have thought this way if she didn't. She was just angry. I promise." 

"I just wanted her to be happy!" Wilbur cried. 

"I know. I know Wil. She's just upset right now. It'll all calm down and she'll realize what she said and it'll all be okay." 

"What if she hates me now?" Wilbur asked. "What then?" 

"Wilbur, that child could never hate you. Yesterday, no, thirty minutes ago, she thought you were the greatest thing ever. She'll realize what you were trying to do and... she'll come around." 

"I hope you're right..." 


Addison woke up with a gasp.

She was having a nightmare of her previous conversation with Wilbur. "A real dad would have just told me!" she screamed. 

Wilbur stopped, his eyes narrowing. "You're right." he snarled. "I'm not your real dad. So I don't need to keep you." 

"W-What?" Addison stuttered. 

Wilbur towered over her. He seemed taller than normal, which was saying something. "I don't have to keep you." he repeated. "I'm not your real dad. I don't want you anymore." 

"Dad?" Addison whispered. 

Wilbur slapped her, making her head turn.  Addison gasped, looking at the father - no, monster who was before her. Wilbur kept growing taller and taller, with dark pits for eyes and claws on his hands. Addison whimpered. 

"Get. Out." Wilbur snarled. 

"I... I'm sorry!" Addison sobbed. "I didn't... It just came out! I'm sorry!" 

"Leave!" Wilbur shouted. "Pack your stuff and leave!" 

"I... I don't want to lose you!" Addison shouted. 

"I'm not your real father, why don't you go find him?" Wilbur demanded. He slapped Addison again. 

Addison fell to the ground. "I'm sorry." she whimpered, as Wilbur started kicking her, hitting her, beating her. This wasn't how it was supposed to go... She messed up...

Addison woke up with a gasp. "Daddy!" she sobbed, bolting into Wilbur's room. 

Wilbur sat up in his bed, hair a disaster. "Addison? What? What's wrong?" 

Addison jumped onto the bed and bear hugged Wilbur, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'm sorry." she begged. "I'm so so so sorry. Please don't get rid of me. Please." 

"Get... rid of you?" Wilbur was still half asleep. 

Addison whimpered. "I'm sorry and I'll do whatever you want just please don't get rid of me I'm so sorry daddy!" 

"Addison..." Wilbur murmured, rubbing Addison's back. She was currently sobbing into his neck. "It's okay. I'm not going to get rid of you. I promise." 

"And it's okay if you hurt me or whatever you want I'll do whatever I just can't lose you daddy!" Addison sobbed again. 

"What? No Addy!" Wilbur cried. "I'd never hurt you, I promise. No matter what. And I'd never ever ever get rid of you.  I love you, I promise." 

Addison sniffled. "But I was mean to you..." she whispered. 

"It's okay. You didn't mean it. I know that now." 

"I didn't!" Addison swore. "I promise, I didn't!" 

"I know Addison." Wilbur said. "It's okay. I'll always love you." 


Addison gasped again. She opened her eyes, no longer replaying the memory. 

But she was no longer in her mindscape. 

She was laying in a white room. 


Heya heya heya heya

This is the safest way to go nobody gets hurt.

Stay safe, stay happy, stay kind. 



Addison- A FatherSoot OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now