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Wilbur didn't respond to Hazel. 

He pushed past her, walking towards the nurses office. "I need to sign any paperwork for Addison." Wilbur said. 

"Wilbur, I didn't want to do this..." Hazel said. "But she's my daughter." 

"No!" Wilbur cried. "She's my daughter. I'm the one who's been there for her. I've gotten her to school, I've made sure she's safe, healthy, and happy. Who shows up to band? Me! Who helps her after a rough day? Me! Addison looks up to me. I'm the one who provides for her." 

"I'm not saying you're doing a bad job." Hazel said. "But I think that my daughter should be with someone who has a steady income." 

"Excuse me?" Wilbur demanded. "I've never had a problem with providing for Addison. Anything she needs or wants, she has! My income is not a problem!" 

"Right now." Hazel continued. "But what about later? What about if the viewers drop? Less subscribers means less money. (I don't know how the fuck Twitch works okay?) You're income isn't steady, Wilbur. It changes monthly." 

"Stop it." Wilbur snapped. "I'm fine. We are fine. I'm not the one who needs to be worried about right now!" 

"I just want to be there for her!" Hazel cried. 

"You were!" Wilbur shouted. "Then you fucked it up and Addison got a  concussion, for fucks sake! Okay? So right now, I need to be there for her. Me. Her father. The person who always will be there." 

Wilbur signed whatever papers he needed and went to his daughter. "You ready to go?" he asked. 

Addison yawned. "I'm tired." she mumbled. 

"You can sleep in the car, alright?" 

Addison gave him a concerned look, but just nodded. Wilbur didn't want to snap at her, but he was just pissed off. How dare Hazel try and take his daughter from him? He would have to go to jail  before Addison was taken from him. There wasn't a world in the multiverse that would involve Addison being taken away from Wilbur. 

Wilbur took the wheelchair and helped Addison into it. He wheeled her to the car and helped her in. 

"I'm fine!" Addison insisted. Wilbur hopped into the driver seat. "Ready?" he asked. 

"Yeah." Addison answered. They drove in silence for a minute. "Daddy? Are you mad at me?" Addison asked. 

Wilbur turned. "What? Why would I be mad at you?" 

"I don't know..." Addison trailed off. "You just seem kind of mad when you came back..." 

"I'm not mad at you!" Wilbur cried. "No way, Addy. This wasn't your fault." 

"Don't be mad at mum either." Addison said. 

"Addy..." Wilbur sighed. 

"You shouldn't!" Addison cried. "We just went to the park and I climbed all the way to the top and we had cookies and I wanted to eat them up there so mum went to get them and I fell! It wasn't anyone's fault!" 

"Shhhhhh." Wilbur said. "I'm not mad about that." 

Addison frowned. "You're not?" 

"Not really." Wilbur said. "It's just... adult stuff." 

"I'm an adult! Why don't I get to know?" Addison protested. 

"Really? You're an adult?" Wilbur smiled. "Cause it sounds like you were trying and failing to be a monkey." 

Addison- A FatherSoot OC storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang