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My dumbass just realizing that instead of having to search for emojis every time I need one on a laptop (Which sucks more than you realize), I can just copy and paste them...


Dude, lovejoy is such a bop. I love them. 


A few days after Addison came home from the hospital, Phil woke her up. "Whhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttttt...." Addison mumbled. 

"I have a surprise for you, but it's a bit of a drive." Phil said. 

Addison pulled the pillow over her head. "Earlyyyyyyyy..." she mumbled. 

"Yes, but we have to leave soon." Phil said. "Niki's going to help you get ready, okay?" 


"Do you want the surprise or not?" 


"Techno got Starbucks." 

Addison opened her eyes. "Magic breakfast santa?" she asked. 

"Yes, and it's downstairs so you can eat it when you get up." 

"Die twice." Addison muttered. 

"I'm going to go get Niki now, okay?" Phil turned on Hamilton and left the room, knowing full well that Addison couldn't fall back asleep now because of that stupid music that she couldn't turn off without getting up and turning off herself so she was just stuck awake now until Niki came in. Luckily for her, Niki was fairly good at helping Addison quickly. 

"Hey Addison!" Niki said. Addison was sat up, she just couldn't exactly get in the wheelchair without help. 

Niki helped Addison get dressed and downstairs. Addy wheeled into the kitchen and right up to Techno, holding her hands out. 

Techno rolled his eyes and handed her a sandwich (Spelled that wrong lol). "Have I mentioned you're my favorite?" Addison asked. 

"I also got you banana bread." 

"Have I mentioned you are the greatest person ever and I'd build you a statue and bow to you if I could?" Addison rephrased. Tommy laughed as he came into the room. "Techno's such a softie." he said. 

"I am not, you nerd." Techno said. 

"Softieeeeeeeee." Tommy grinned. "Softieeeeeeeeeeeee! AH!" 

Techno chucked Tommy's sandwich at the blonde, and he ducked, the sandwich hitting the wall. 

"Could you not wake the entire house up?" Niki demanded. 

"Why do we have to be up so early?" Addison asked. "I'm tiredddd..." 

"Surprise." Tommy answered. 

"Is it too early in her life to introduce Addison to coffee?" Techno asked. 



"I wanna be on a caffeine high!" 

"I don't like that that's what I walk in here to." Phil came into the dining room, rolling his eyes. "You guys almost ready?" 

The boys and Addison scarfed down their breakfast, much to Phil's dismay. They swiftly got in the car and started the drive. 

The car ride was pretty much silent. Techno smiled as Addison's head dropped onto his shoulder. Tommy secretly took a picture, posting it and saying Brotherblade poggggggg

Addison- A FatherSoot OC storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ