The promised Dadza vibes

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Addison awoke the next morning. 

She let out a sleepy mumble, then opened her eyes. The living room was fucking bright, now that there was sunlight drifting through the windows. What time is it? 

She saw a remote, a deck of cards, and a note from Wilbur. 

Hey Addison. Had to pick up Phil from the airport, he's a friend of mine. You can really just do whatever, I trust you. TV's all yours there's a bathroom and a kitchen down the hall, all yours if you're hungry. I don't know if you know how to cook, or what I have for food.... Anyways, I should be home soon, I swear. 

Remember, you're safe. 


Addison stood up, and dizziness befell her. Not only was she hungry, she just felt extremely weak. Yesterday's events must have left her really weak. 

And she hadn't eaten in a while. 

Addison went to the bathroom and flopped on the couch. She just couldn't take much of anything else today. 

After several minutes, Addison gave up and turned on the TV. She put on some sort of baking show and opened up the deck of cards. She dealt out a game of Solitaire and waited for Wilbur to come back. 

Pov switch. 

"Wilbur I told you I could get a taxi or something." Phil grumbled, getting into Wilbur's car. 

Wilbur rolled his eyes. "I wanted you to get here faster. I don't know what to do, especially after last night." 

"What, did something more happen?" Phil asked. 

"She woke up at about four in the morning." Wilbur replied. "I woke up and she basically had a meltdown over my very existence, like she was already afraid of me. She begged me not to hurt her, and called me sir."

"Wilbur, with everything you told me, it's very probable this girl was abused." Phil said. 

"Yeah no shit. I got that part. Also, her name is Addison." Wilbur sighed. 

Phil looked around. "Uh... Where is she?" 

"She's at home...." Wilbur trailed. 

"Did you leave her alone?!" Phil demanded. "Are you insane? Why would you leave her alone like that?" 

"I couldn't call somebody to take care of this random child who just showed up on my doorstep I'd sound insane!" Wilbur exclaimed. 

"Shut up and drive! What if she wakes up? What if she's hurt or has another attack or-" 

"Alright! Alright! I'm going I'm going!" Wilbur exclaimed, putting the car in drive. 

They drove home, to Wilbur's house. "I cannot believe you! Do you know how to keep a child safe?" Phil exclaimed. 

"No! I don't Phil! This may come as a shock to you, but I've never taken care of a child before! I don't know what the hell I'm doing and I'm going to fuck something up royally! I know I am!" 

Phil sighed. "Wilbur, I'm sorry. I do trust you. Nobody ever knows what they're doing at first, but then they learn. You'll learn better with mistakes. And now you know not to leave a child alone at home when you just picked her up from your doorstep.

Wilbur winced. "Yeah, not my smartest move." 

They arrived at Wilbur's home. "Ookay, here we go." Phil whispered. 

Wilbur opened the door. "I really have to go to the bathroom. Addison's upstairs. You can go introduce yourself. And try not to bad mouth me too much. I don't need her more afraid of me then she already is." 

Addison- A FatherSoot OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now