The begging of something?

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After telling my parents to whole story we decided to have dinner.

All was going great until, I remembered something or someone. My kid were still there.

"F*ck!" I scream out causing everyone to look at me. "Is something wrong..?" Asked Karl. "I forgot Tubbo" I say. "Let's go then." Said Karl. "Are you sure you want to go?" I ask. "Heck yeah, we'll be back soon" I say.

I we got up, and I told them about how messed up his family is and how mostly likely we won't be back. "Well, if you don't come back. Just know we love you" Said Sam. "Thanks Dad" I Say.

Karl and I, went to get some equipment, ropes and weapons. "You think He actually got sent to jail?" He asked. "No idea" I say. "So if the park is this way.. his house is way!" I say.

Soon enough we arrived and I quickly understood that Tubbo were probably chained up somewhere. Karl was on his knees and I stood on top of him, I looked in the first window and I wanted to give up by the site. Wilbur was there along with his parents, even his brother.

"This I'll be way more complicated now..!" I whisper-yell. "There's also no sign of them.. the basement window!" I say. We looked and he was obviously there. "Okay, I know them way more then you. So I'll go in the basement, you wait here if you see one of them outside just run don't worry about me." I say and he nervously nodded.

I quietly jumped in, he looked so scared. I went forward and started to untie him trying to not make noise. After he got and hugged me tight. "Go out the window I'll go last" I command.

He safely got out, I stepped on the boxes to help me but someone grabbed me. "RUN!" I yell before everything went dark.


I woke up in the same room hours later, I had a pounding headache and everything was dark, but I felt watched. I stare at where i assume the person is. "Stop that. It's creepy" he said. He got more and more visible. "You really tough you could escape? Looks like we're back at square one" he said.

The person opened the lights and I closed my eyes trying to get used to the brightness. He grabbed a chair and sat infront of me. "Why aren't you in jail..?" I mumble. "Because, they found me innocent. Stup!d cops." he said.

"And only speak when spoken too." He said. I decided to do what first did when I was in here, annoy him. So I kissed him, he was shocked and kissed back. Soon I realized he wanted more but I pulled away. "I hate you" he jokingly said.

I started fake crying, "wait no, I was just kidding!" He said. "But You said you hate me!!" I whine. "It was a joke, I'm really sorry though!" He said. "It's okay" I say.

He smiled, "can you look in my right pocket?" I asked. "Sure..?" He said confused. He grabbed some of his brothers pills. "Take one, and I'll give you a big hug" I say. "First what are these? Second of all I want more then a hug" he said. "There Uh pills too help your brain, and we'll cuddle..?" I say. "What will they help my brain with?"

"They'll make us have a better relationship..?" I say. They were actually 'yandere' pills. (I know that don't exist, but it now does).

"Okay!" He said taking one. "Untie me" I demande and he obliged. "You know, I actually don't feel good.." he whispered. Then he fell to the ground asleep. I picked him up and escaped trough the window.

I decided to get him some help again. So I brought him back to the mental hospital. I entered and some people seemed to have recognized me. I went to the secretary and handing him to them.

"Here, I found him in the woods" I lie. "Okay, thank you! We've been looking for him for years!" She said. "I would also like to start working here again" I say. "Okay, what's your name?" She said handing him to someone else.

"Quackity" I say. "Okay, Great... you can start when ever" she said. "But uh, he'll still be your patient" she said. "Doesn't matter, also I suggest asking him questions about love and changing his daily pills" I say. "Okay, we'll look into that, may I ask why?" She said. "He's a yandere, he was k!lled people that liked me" I say. "Oh wow, okay we'll like into that right away when he wakes up, have a goodnight sleep!" She said. I left feeling proud, I probably helped him get some actually help.

I walked back home, kind of sprinting. "I'm back!" I yell rushing in. "Mom!" My kids. yell together. "What happened?" Karl asked.

I sat everyone down even my parents and explained everything. They looked proud, nervous and confused at some points.

"That's excellent dear!" One of my dads said. "Well if he ever steps foot in my house, I'm k!ll!ng him" said another one. "I'll have to go with your father, I will do it brutally too" the last one of my fathers said.

"Wait, so you work there again?" Asked my friend. "Yup, same schedules as you" I answer. "Okay... but do you love him...?" He asked. That question made everyone wonder. "I- I think... yeah" I say.

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