Found you

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I was flying just over the city when I heard something behind me. It was Phil and he didn't look happy. "Quackity, can't we just go home? And be a happy family with the kid, I'm a grandpa and live happily? Wilbur's gonna he really mad you left." He said. "Either way, we'll find you Quackity" he said creepily.

"I'm sorry, but no" I say. I started flying faster and faster until I told my young one to hold on tightly and dove in the forest. From there on I walked and walked until I was to far away and fell asleep.

It's been years now. I live in Las Nevadas and I work in another mental hospital.


My kid is 12 years old. Sometimes he'll ask who was Wilbur and Phil but I usually change the subject until he gave up. One of my coworkers, Fundy.

Lives with me and my kids. He was adopted and he's trans (ftm). Apparently his dad and grandparents live in another country and he lived in a homeless shelter so I took him in. Sometimes he calls me mom by accident and I let him know that it's okay if he sees me as a father/mother figure.

We've been really happy and I eventually almost forgot about them. The only reason I didn't go to my family or Karl. Is because I know they will hurt them. badly.

I almost visited multiple times but never actually did. I was too scared, I was terrified they hurt them so I left them alone.

It was around souper time and Fundy has some over time to do. So it was me and Tubbo.

He sat down with a blank look. Which confused me since he was always so happy. "You Okay?" I asked placing the food in front of him.

"Mom.. can I please know who those people were?!" Tubbo asked "don't say they were my imaginations" he continued.

"I guess it's finally time to tell you, but you can't tell anyone. Not even Fundy" I say. I looked happier and nodded.

"So I used to work in another mental hospital where I meet Wilbur, the brown haired one. He was my patient and he fell In love with me and escape so we could be 'together forever'. But kind of forced me to love him. Then he made everyone think including my parents think I committed su!c!de and... an-"

I started crying at all the memories, "hey, it's okay mom.. i didn't know.. im sorry for asking" Said Tubbo "it's n-not your f-fault, it's h-his. I never want to see him again!" I yell out.

Then the doorbell rang and it was Fundy. He entered with the spare key I gave him. "Hey mo- Quackity!" He said. I giggled and gave him some food.

I could tell Tubbo was still guilty for asking. "Hey Q? Is it okay if my dad comes visit soon?" He asked.

I was shocked. "Ofc" I say. To be honest I didn't like his dad though I never meet them. I know enough that his dad adopted him but one day Fundy was sick of something and escaped. That made me hate his father.

"Oh! And my grandparents!" He said sounding excited. "Yeah, sure!" I say happy for him. I knew he always wanted to be close to them but could never do it, so maybe this was his chance to reconnect with them.

"They'll come in a couple of days" he said. "No problem!" I say. "But uh.. could they stay here..?" He asked nervously. "Yeah sure we have extra bedrooms" I say.

"really?! Thank you so much mom!" He said hugging me. Then he realized what he said and turned away red in embarrassed. "Don't be embarrassed" I say.

Then he hugged me crying. "You'll always be my mom, no matter what. I just want to reconnect with them.." he said. "It's okay, I understand!" I tell him

Mental hospital// tnt duoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang