Mine p.2

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I have to go back to work. So I left and started walking back. But I bumped into Karl. 'Oh hey man!' I say

''Hey, you good.??'' He ask. ''Well not really. He thinks we're dating..'' I say embarrassed. ''Yikes, that sucks happened to me too at one point'' he said

''I better get going though bye!'' He continued. ''Bye!'' I say walking away.

I gently open the door. ''Hello?'' I ask. ''Hi darling!, I have to ask you something!!'' He said sitting on the couch so I join him. I sat in front of him.

''What it is?'' I ask. ''Are you cheating on me with Sapnap's boyfriend?!'' He yelled. ''Wow, no I'm not, and we're not dating!'' I exclaim.

''Yeah you guys better not be dating, because you're mine.'' He said. ''No Wilbur, me and you aren't dating!'' I say slightly angry.

''What yes we are!'' He said. You could hear he was starting to get mad.

''No were not!'' I say. ''I told you, you can't break up with me.!'' He said. ''Alright I'm just going to go before this gets worst.'' I say getting up.

He yanked me back, ''Don't you dare think you can escape this conversation.'' He said pinning me to the ground.

''Get off me!!'' I yell out. He tried kissing me but I keep blocking him. Eventually he did. Tough I didn't stop it. It felt nice and relaxing.

''See! You love me!'' He cheered. ''Uh huh'' I say. He just kissed me again. It was passionate, sweet and full of lust.

I didn't want it to stop, it felt to nice. ''Aww you look red!'' Wilbur teased.

''Shut up..'' I whispered covering my face. ''Nope!'' He said taking my hands off my face. He keep kissing me and after a while I kissed back.

He was surprised but didn't do anything about it. Eventually there was a knock on the door. ''Quackity..? The day is over!'' What I assumed was Karl said.

''You promise to come back tomorrow?'' He said. ''I- Uh.. promise.?'' I say. ''Okay good!'' He said getting off me.

''Bye..?'' I say not knowing what to do. ''Bye darling!'' He said smiling like crazy. I walked out.

''Jeez what happened your red!'' Karl blurted out. ''Nothing he just ask if I was cheating on him with you which isn't possible because me and him aren't even dating.'' I say quickly.

''Right... nothing else..?'' He ask.

Mental hospital// tnt duoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon