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I immediately covered my mouth with my hand. Sh!t f*ck balls p!ss.

I didn't just say that, I was way to scared to even make eye contact with him. "I mean relationship.." I mumble quickly.

Still too scared to look at him I could feel his grip tighten. "What did you say?~" he asked. "I said relationship, because I like you" I say ashamed.

"Like? Not love?~, you don't love me?~ and you think this relationship is a joke?!~" he said angrily/creepily. "You need to be taught a lesson I think." He said. I shiver at the tought immediately, "Wait, no I love you!" I say begging. "Too late" He said.

He grabbed my hair and dragged me downstairs, I was begging and screaming that i was sorry and that I loved him but nothing worked. I'm pretty sure i woke everyone up.

He throw me down the basement stairs and said "maybe the cold will remind you of what I did for you". Then he slammed the door shut locking it.

I grabbed my head because I had a huge headache Because of the hair pulling. I started crying in the corner. I eventually calmed down after a couple of hours (like 5-6 hours).

I decided to look around since it was pretty big with different rooms. The first room was empty, the second was a bathroom,
The third and a room full of pictures of me, when I was asleep, eating, showering, you name it and it's there. I was shocked but not really, I mean he was OBSESSED with me (if it wasn't obvious).

I continue, the fourth room was a room full of blood and heads, eyes. It was gross. They were mostly police officers and females.

They were no more rooms so I went back to the basement door hoping it was maybe unlocked. But it wasn't. I was still locked in here after 7 hours.

That's when I really started panicking, what if he locks me in here until I die? What if I never escape? What if I never talk to Karl? Well that one was planed... sadly..

Then I saw a small basement window, it looked pretty broken. I stared out of it for a couple of minutes before I see Tubbo and Wilbur. I decided to listen it there conversation.

"Where's mama?"
"Mama did something bad and is being punished"
"What did he do? Is he okay?!"
"She's fine
"I do not"

Then he both started sobbing while Wilbur was trying to comfort him. Then Phil heard it. "WHATS WRONG?" He screamed pushing pass Wilbur. "I-I WANT MOMMY!!" Tubbo screamed and kick. Phil gave Wilbur a death glare. "And where is he?" He ask. "He did something bad and he's being punished" Wilbur responded.

That made Tubbo cry even more, "MOMMY'S BEING HURT!!". "No he's not, he'll be out soon" Wilbur said.

Tubbo was now rolling on the ground kicking and screaming begging for me. I couldn't help but crying a little.

I couldn't hear it, but Phil pulled Wilbur to the side and started yelling at him, it made me giggle.

Then Wilbur started walking down into the house, I knew he was coming for me. And I wanted to make him suffer like he made me when I first entered this basement. So I opened the window enough for me to wiggle out and hid making it look like i escaped.

Then the door opened, Wilbur was confused not seeing me but he started entering each room. Till finally he saw it. The opened window.

I could see the panic in his eyes, it was mixed of confusing, stress, shocked and much more.

Mental hospital// tnt duoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें