Its the sound of the police

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"Breathing some fresh air..?" I say. "Nothing else?" He asks. "Yeah, nothing else" I respond. "Can I go outside?" I ask. "No" he said. "Please!! I'll wear a disguise and you could come too!!" I beg. "Fine, lets go get ready" he said.

He went upstairs to our room. And got dressed, I had a long black wig, makeup, a dress and much more. I looked like girl but who cares. Wilbur on the other hand was just wearing black with a hood on. "Damn" he said seeing me. "I know, now let's go!!" I say.

We got out of the house and started walking to the park, we were talking about random stuff like trauma, k!ll!ng each other, what to cook later, how likely we'll d!e, how many years of prison he might get for this,how much money he will give me I give him head, and a bunch more of innocent conversations.

Soon enough we arrived and we sat down on a bench and continued talking about innocent stuff. "Hey.. can I sit there..? The other benches are all occupied..?" Asked a familiar voice.

I look up to see Karl. I wanted to cry and hugged him. But I just nodded. Wilbur smiled at this behavior of mine. 

He quickly sat down and pulled out his phone, soon he started lightly crying whispering stuff like. 'It's my fault or I should have never told you about my job'.

Me and Wilbur continued talking until we heard sirens blaring. Police sirens to be more precised. "Are you Wilbur Soot?" Asked a police officer. "No" he said. "Then what's your name?" She asked. "I have rights not to tell you" he said.

"Your right, my apologies" she said. Then she turned to me. "Are you Alex Quackity?" She asked. "Y-no" I Say shaking. "W-Why are you asking..?" I ask.

"A private detective has been searching for them for years now" she said. "And we got a call saying they were here" she continued.

"They're lying!! That's Wilbur and that's Quackity!!" Karl screamed out crying in joy. "Well then, we'll have to take Mr. Soot un for questioning" she said hand cuffing him.

Wilbur only gave me a 'This isn't over yet' glare. He got into the police car and drove off. "K-Karl..?" I ask. "Yes! Yes it's me!!" He screamed joyfully.

I hugged him tightly, "Where have you been?!" He asked crying. "Well you know with Wilbur." I say. "C'mon let's go see your parents!!" He said.

We started running to my parents house like we did when we were younger. The house looked lonely, empty and joyless. Karl knocked pretty quickly holding onto my hand tightly.

Soon enough my dad Sam opened the door lightly crying. His eyes got big, "S-Son..?!" He asked.

"Yes dad it's me!!" I say hugging him. He took no time to hug me back. "We're have you been? We all tough you died!" He said. "Well I got kidnapped.." I admitted. "C'mon In!" He said.

The house looked the same as when I was younger. I enter the living room to see my two other dads watching a movie. "Hey sweetie" They greeted think I was Sam. Sam coughed to catch their attention.


Sorry for the short chapter

Mental hospital// tnt duoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon