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Quackity's POV:

It was 7:30 am, and I usually woke up at that time. I lazily swing my feet off my bed and groan before standing up. "Another fun day of trying to find a job before I get evicted" I say sarcastically.

I walk over to the bathroom and brush my teeth. "Man, maybe I should ask Karl for any suggestions" I think to myself. "Yeah, yeah I will" I say.

I go over to my son's room "good morning Tubbo!" I exclaim. "Already? It feels like I just fell asleep tho!" He groaned. "Yeah I know, but you have school to go to!" I say. "Oh shit" he says loudly.

I went back downstairs and called Karl, skipping breakfast.

"Hey Karl"
"Hey, what do you need?"
"How'd you know I needed something?"
"You only call if you need something"
"I need a job, like full time" I say
"Damn, why'd you call me?"
"Well I was thinking about working with you"
"You know my job is pretty dangerous, right?"
"Yeah, I know. I just need the money"
"Fineee, you're lucky my manager is hiring people on the spot because of missing working"
"Wait seriously?"
"Yeah, but most of them end up dying"
"Excuse me."
"Yeah, but I'll try and get you a safe job"
"Alright bye!"

And he hung up. Great what did i just get myself into now.


It wasn't until later in the afternoon did I get another call from Karl.

"Okay good news and bad news"
"Good news First"
"Okay so you got the job but it's uh with the most dangerous patient"
"Excuse me."
"And you start tomorrow"
"Hold on."
"You expect me too work with the most dangerous patient just to try and 'fix him' like what kind of hospita-"
"Yes I do, it's pays 100$/1h."
"Sign me up."

Mental hospital// tnt duoWhere stories live. Discover now