Kidnapped while being kidnapped

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I was getting weirded out by him touching my small tail because no one has ever done that.

"Okay Thats enough." I say, his hands then snaked around my waist and pulled me to his lap. He put his head on my shoulder and said "what to show me them wings now?". "Wilbur I already told you" I say.

Then someone knocked, "Quackity~ I know your in there~" Said his brother. Wilbur looked pissed. Then I whispered "it's okay, calm down. Just go to sleep I'll deal with it" I say. "I have a better idea" he said.

He told me the plan it was simple, he'd just answer for me. Then he put me beside and got up he opened the door furiously. But no one was there?

Then I felt funny, the room started spinning and Wilbur started leaving to probably find his brother. The last thing I heard was "sleep well duckie"

—(time skip)—

I woke up with a pounding headache, my eye immediately shot open remembering last time I was awake. I looked around and couldn't recognize the room.

"Hello duckie~" Said Who I immediately recognize as Adrian. I wanted to move but I was chained to a chair. "Sorry but you can't leave~" the voice in the dark said.

I rolled my eyes, "don't be mean either" it said "then let me go." I say. "Sorry But i cant~" he said. Then he came forward, I immediately was scared.

He offered me some food but I declined even though I was hungry, "Come on Quackity you need to eat. It's been 8 hours" he said. 8 hours?!Has Wilbur noticed I'm gone?! Probably.

I just shock my head, "I'll give you two options. 1. I'll feed you myself or 2. I feed you trough a tube." He said clearing sounding mad.

I still just shock my head. "Fine then!." He said grabbing a tube. I immediately closed my mouth to never open again. He forcefully grabbed my chin making me look at him. "Aw~ so cute!~" he said making eye contact with me.

Then forcefully opened my mouth and shoved the tube in, it felt weird, uncomfortable and painful. I started crying I wanted Wilbur. I wanted for him to hold me.

"Stop crying it's making this more difficult for both of us!" He screamed out. Finally after what felt like forever he took it out. I wanted
to puke whatever he gave me didn't sit well with me.

"Now come on! Bed time!~" the uglier twin said. He unchained me and picked me up. We then arrived in a room. It was ugly.

He placed me on the bed and forced me to lay beside him, he just like Wilbur cuddled me. I wanted to cry. "Goodnight!~"he said.

After a couple of minutes, I figured he was asleep so I tried wiggling out which didn't work at all.

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