Chapter 25

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On Christmas Eve, James rode with Ruby while Clarice and Nick helped Santa steer the elite team. Houses' lights twinkled like the stars above as people flooded the streets. Some held their phones aloft, hoping to snap a pic of Santa. Others waved bundles of carrots on top of their roofs, laughing as reindeer swooped down to crunch on the midflight snacks. Everyone wore their biggest, brightest smiles as Santa's army of elves and reindeer-driven sleighs delivered toys and Christmas joy.

James's face ached as much from smiling too much as it did from the wind whipping his face. Despite the snow turning the crowd into an indistinct blur and the cold nipping at his nose, nothing could dim his excitement as cheers roared through the night. He and Ruby were making so many people happy.

Even his dad was finally proud of him.

Santa beamed at him from his own sleigh. "Stellar steering, James! If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were born with reins in your hands."

"Thanks, but Ruby's still doing the hard part!" Even so, pride warmed James's chest as he flashed Ruby a quick thumbs up. Her laughter echoed through the sky as clearly as her bells as she flew alongside her grandpa. 

"We've got a bunch of birds coming towards us!" the old reindeer called out, his nose flashing a quick warning. Despite the feathery obstacles on the horizon, he galloped through the air with a broad smile and the same confidence the elite team did thanks to the FAST strapped to his head and Gabe's careful guidance. 

James nudged the FAST's joystick, guiding Ruby closer to the elite team to avoid an oncoming flock of geese. Even the animals seemed excited for the holiday, honking up a storm as soon as they got close to the reindeer.

Ruby tossed her head, jingling her bells to warn the elite team to steer clear of the boisterous birds. "Grandpa always said the most magical part of flying around the world is seeing everyone that comes out to wish us a merry Christmas." She grabbed another mouthful of peppers to refuel before all the reindeer dipped down to pose for the news cameras.

"Not so sharply," Santa said as he guided Nick's hands on the reins. "They know most of what to do. You just have to give them a little nudge."

"This is a lot to take in at once." Nick's eyes roamed over the countless buttons and navigation panels glowing on the dashboard. "Are you sure you want me driving this thing?"

"I'll handle those," Santa said. "Just focus on steering and push that big red button when I tell you to."

"That's a new one." Nick squinted at the button, unease written on his face as plainly as it was whenever Mrs. Claus served her infamous fruitcake.

"I'm sure Clarice and James installed something really special for you," Santa said.

Nick laughed nervously. "I swear if either of you filled this thing with your fart gas, you're both getting coal!"

"James's sleigh has it too," Clarice said, "and you know even he wouldn't want to deal with that stink if the wind changes."

As they all zoomed skyward once more, Santa started a countdown. "On three. One. Two." He helped Nick crack the reigns, giving the reindeer an extra burst of speed. "Three!"

Nick and James pressed their matching buttons, sending a cascade of marshmallows raining from tubes in the back of the sleighs like fat snowflakes. Children and more than a few adults rushed out to grab them from the air, stuffing them into their mouths.

Nick quickly reached back to grab one for himself. "You really are full of surprises," he told James, smiling as brightly as Ruby's nose.

James was so busy watching everyone enjoying the marshmallows that he almost forgot to sneak one for himself. Almost.

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