Chapter 22

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"I think we've passed that rock ten times already," Tango grumbled.

"Nah," Ruby said as she licked her lips. "It's only been three. This one's kiwi-flavored, not green apple."

James resisted the urge to kick the sugary clump of bright green rock candy sprouting from the cave floor. It wouldn't do him a lick of good to damage one of the only things differentiating this tunnel from the countless others they'd wandered through. "At this rate, we won't find Nick until Halloween."

"Look on the bright side," Ruby said. She bounded upward, her sole antler brushing against the ceiling as she snatched a mouthful of the licorice vines dangling from the ceiling. "Free candy!"

James's stomach snarled in protest. The good news was they didn't have to worry about running out of food anymore. The bad news was he felt like he'd puke a rainbow if he ate even one more gumdrop. "I don't want to think about it."

"Looks like I'm not the party pooper for once," Tango said as he chewed on a wad of licorice. "Next thing you know, you'll actually be quiet for a change."

James laughed half-heartedly before sighing. "If Nick saw me like this, he'd drag me straight to the hospital."

"I bet," Ruby said. "You know it's serious business when you're not in the mood for candy."

James's stomach let out another growl, one so loud it echoed down the tunnels in a rumble of discontent.

Something that sounded equally upset rumbled back.

"Did you guys hear that?" James asked.

Ruby pressed close to Tango's side. "That sounded like a yeti."

"Don't be stupid," Tango said. "Those only live in the Himalayas." Yet he still lowered his antlers, ready to protect them from whatever was making that awful noise.

"We've gotta check it out," James stammered. "What if it has Nick?"

"Then it has indigestion and we'd better get out of here. Trust me, you do not want to mess with a polar bear with a stomachache." At the sight of the others' horrified expressions, Tango said, "It's probably just an echo."

A low moan sounded through the tunnels.

"That's definitely not an echo," James said. "Come on, let's go check it out."

They followed the moaning through long, winding tunnels. Each time the sound faded, they stopped and listened to make sure they were still going in the right direction.

At last, the noise grew louder as they neared the mouth of a cavern filled with quiet sobbing.

"You go ahead," Tango whispered, nodding at James. "I think we'd better give you guys some space."

Sugar water lapped at the shore of Peppermint Pond as bright red fish swam inside the secluded crater. Nobody was quite sure how Mount Permafrost grew a seemingly endless supply of candy or why even the wildlife that lived there tasted as sweet as could be. Not even those who had explored the depths of its caves or climbed to the very top of its craggy peak could explain its mouthwatering marvels.

All James knew was he'd give up chocolate for the rest of his life if that was what it took to get Nick home.

He eased himself out of the sleigh and tiptoed toward Nick as if he was approaching a sleeping polar bear. Nick looked like a completely different person when he wasn't wearing a suit. Gone were his assertiveness, his confidence, and his quiet assurance that everything would run smoothly as long as he was around to fix it.

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