Chapter 24

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James and his family sat around the fireplace nursing marshmallow-filled mugs of hot chocolate. Ruby basked in the warmth alongside them with a heaping helping of sugarcane while Tango enjoyed his back in his stall.

"I can't remember the last time we had a reindeer in the house," Mrs. Claus said. "It's about time we fixed that."

"I'll say. She's more than earned it," Santa said.

Ruby leaned her head back as Santa stroked her neck. "I'm just glad to be out of the cold. That storm was nasty."

"You can say that again," James said. "If it weren't for the FAST, there's no way we could have gotten through that."

"We'll definitely have to get those fitted for more of the reindeer," Santa said. "Clarice, how many do you think you could make before Christmas if you worked in the invention lab?"

Clarice nearly choked on her hot chocolate. "You'd seriously let me in there?"

"Of course! The FAST is genius. Maybe a little rough around the edges, but that's how all new technology is. You're a natural with this sort of thing, so I'm sure anything you make will be a huge help."

Clarice flushed. "It'll take time to do fittings and trial runs, but I think I should at least be able to get the elite team situated." With every word, her smile grew bigger and brighter. Her eyes shined with unbridled excitement.

"I'm sure they'll appreciate it. Goodness knows I will!" Santa said. "This year has been especially difficult."

"I'm sorry for making it even worse," Nick said quietly. He stared into his mug, swirling around the last drags of his hot chocolate.

"I'm just glad you're okay. You never should have had to stress yourself out over me. None of you should have." Santa's eyes shined with fresh tears as his voice cracked. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

Nick fidgeted with his tie. "I might know something, but it's probably stupid."

"Anything that helps you be happy is not stupid," Santa said. "I should know. That's my job!"

"I was thinking maybe I should take some time off," Nick said, his words as tentative and shaky as a fawn's first steps. "I know you're all busy, but I just need some time to unwind a bit, you know? Go ice skating, get into snowball fights, that sort of thing."

"You could definitely use some practice," Ruby said with a chuckle.

"I'm always up for a rematch," James said. After everything he'd been through, he finally understood that working hard and making Santa happy were important, but so was making time for himself and having fun.

"It would definitely do you good to spend more time enjoying yourself," Santa said. "Would you like to do a little travelling, too? Not for business, but just to get out there and see the world. Believe me, it's always changing much faster than any of us thinks it is, so it's important to enjoy it when you can."

"And maybe you can bring back souvenirs," Clarice said. "I think we all know someone who's dying to try candy from all over the world."

"As long as it's not green tea flavored," James said with a grimace.

"Good thing I actually like green tea-flavored candy, or else there wouldn't be any left for me!" Nick said.

"I'll be sure to keep a bag of those in the sleigh for you," Santa said. "Is there anything the rest of you might want on the big night? We'll have a lot of houses to cover, so we'll definitely need plenty of snacks."

Clarice and James glanced at each other, neither quite believing what they were hearing. "You want us to fly in your sleigh?" Clarice asked.

A million questions raced through James's mind, but he couldn't even get one past his lips. His heart thundered like reindeer hooves at the mere thought of going out with his dad on Christmas Eve. 

"In your own, actually," Santa said. "I'll need you nearby while I get the hang of the FAST, and James will be helping a certain reindeer on her first flight."

"AWESOME!" James yelled.

"He means you, sweetie," Mrs. Claus said when Ruby didn't react.

Ruby's ears perked up, her nose brightening the whole room. "Really?"

"Your grandpa's very proud of what a clever young doe you've grown up to be, and even Tango thinks you'll do great," Santa said. "I bet you could teach the others a thing or two about how to use the FAST."

"Yippee!" Ruby leapt to her feet and pranced around the family, jingling her grandpa's bells all the way.

"Speaking of Christmas Eve," Santa said, "would you mind running me through how the FAST works again, Clarice? We'd better make sure it's in tip top shape for Christmas Eve."

"I was thinking maybe we could add a signal or two for emergencies," Mrs. Claus said. "Something to make them stop right away or grab some peppers to get a quick boost."

"That would be a great safety feature!" Clarice said. "All we'd need is to figure out what scents to use and adjust the back to fit two more capsules."

Santa and Mrs. Claus left to go discuss possible modifications to the FAST with Clarice, leaving James and Nick with the still prancing Ruby.

"Thanks for getting me home," Nick said quietly. "Sometimes, I swear you would make a much better Santa than me, especially since I've been such a massive lump of coal to you."

"I don't think I could stand all that pressure," James said, draining the last of his hot chocolate. "Besides, taking care of Ruby is way more fun."

"You do seem to have a real knack for keeping her under control," Nick said as James pulled on Ruby's harness just in time to keep her from tripping over his feet. "I wish I loved my job as much as you do."

"Maybe we just need to teach you to lighten up a little," James said.

"Like this!" Ruby flashed her nose at them, cackling as they shielded their eyes.

"That much, I can do." Nick pulled out his phone and shined its flashlight on Ruby's antler.

"Better watch out, or she'll feel light headed!" James said with a laugh.

The three of them spent the evening joking around, full of holiday cheer. 

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