For some reason, it always cracks me up, and without fail, I laugh at his little shpiel about the dangers of the world.

The sun was beginning to come up when I restarted the film again. I watched Grace as she called out about her cigarette and something wrong, feeling sorry for the poor scientist bustling about for the redhead's coat and smoke.
It still made me sad how dismissive she was of Jake at first. Don't get me wrong she was rightfully pissed off, just misdirecting her anger to the downed Marine.

And for the not-last time, I restarted the film as I curled up on the couch with some hot cocoa, after properly storing my notes about Pandora into my pouch-like bag, and sat it beside the table so I could remember to go over it when I woke up later.
I listened as the movie began to muffle and echo as I drifted to sleep, empty cup in hand.

But my semi-conscious brain snapped my eyes open the moment the cup was out of my hands.
I opened my eyes to grab for it so it wouldn't break on my concrete floors, but instead, I was met with a wall.
I began to panic as I let my eyes adjust and soon found myself bound.

My panic increased as I felt myself floating, maybe I'm underwater and the shock won't let me process my drowning which would explain the blue. Was I being kidnapped and pranked to the cruelest extent of some sick joke? I was just home watching a movie. Did someone drug me and cart me off, did they raid my collectables and plan on selling them online.

"Easy sleeping beauty. Just take a breath." A voice murmured above me, as my view filled with complete white, and a blurry figure above me.

I scrunch my face in confusion as I watched the man, place his feet on the wall, almost hand-standing over me as he checked my pulse.

"Deeps breaths Summers. Deep breaths." He cooed.
He took a few breaths as an example and I followed suit, he smiled as he pulled cords off of me then slowly he loosened my buckles, I watched his hands move as he pulled a needle out of my arm.

"You have been in Cryo for five years, nine months, and twenty-two days! You will be hungry, you will be weak. If you feel nauseous please tell someone and use the bag given to you!" Someone called out from over my head.

I floated around a bit, my mind numb and racing as I watched everyone float to lockers, all of them now empty and open, except for one. I kicked off the wall I was using to keep me in place and flew to the tiny locker to see familiar initials.

"No," I muttered, opening the small locker.
I pulled the small door open to see my items staring back at me. I grabbed the familiar bag that I always have close by, a homemade enamel pin reading 'Nonsense Notes, for the Raven desk' telling me it was, in fact, my bag of fanciful lore.
There was a duffle bag inside as well it had a few things in it, but what made my stomach drop was the tags with my alias and a blank slot under it.

The name was a simple alias I used online.
Remy Summers.
A tag or title for anyone to recognize on like... packages or chatrooms. It is slightly alarming to see I was living in a world where my name was that of a name thought of using my favorite character from X-men.

From one space shuttle to the next. We were all strapped in, funnily enough, I sat next to Norm Spellman. I managed to keep my freak out to a freak in as we got a quick in-flight lecture about our seatbelts and how to get out to move to the next location as efficiently as possible.

"Exo-packs on! Let's go! Exo-packs on!" The man in charge called out with someone from the back of the shuttle echoing him. "Remember people, you lose that mask you're unconscious in twenty seconds, dead in four minutes! Let nobody be dead today! Looks very bad on my report." He spoke, making his way to the docking door.

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