Tuvom Unil sì

898 17 14

I walked into my small apartment in the city. It was almost rundown, but it was cheap, clean, and ... adequate for someone my age.

I had my headphones on, I was listening to the phone they were tethered to tucked, in my back pocket as it played the movie "Avatar" on Disney+.

The good one that's about faraway places, greedy humans, and the most beautiful creatures and plants from 2009.

I smiled as I pulled out my keys; the movie was coming to a close, and Jake was going to his "birthday" after he did his last video log, in Hells Gate.

You could say I have a slight obsession... you could but I won't. I just really love that movie, and I cannot wait for the second installment.

The commercials alone look beautiful and I keep rewatching the few I find hyping myself up more and more beyond belief for it, I just need to see who the bad guy is already!

As the Na'vi chanted and the music swelled, I paused it and restarted it for later watching. I hung up my jacket and bag, walked to my living room, emptied my pockets in my dish on the coffee table, and turned on the TV.
After some shuffling, I managed to get Avatar on the bigger screen. It was a matter of going to another viewing option to watch the full uncut version, sadly watching Tsu'tey's death scene, and seeing the school while getting a more in-depth look at the whole world. But it's a sacrifice I do for love.

I pulled up Showbox, an app I use a lot for shows I can't get anywhere else. And I found the full director's cut.

Instead of the opening everyone knows, I was greeted with an apartment far smaller than mine, a TV far bigger than anything I've seen in anyone's middle- or lower-class home.

And a man who looked like he chose violence, and violence told him to take a time out.

That man, Jake Sully.

I smiled sadly, knowing when he gets to the bar, gets drunk, shows some chivalry, and helps the poor girl, he's going to get an ass-kicking and then the horrible news of his brother after he's tossed out like garbage.

I let the film play as I gathered my notes on the made-up language. It was a fun little thing I decided on doing since falling in love with the natives of Pandora.
I bought the books and talked to anyone interested until I showed far more interest than them, and they called me a "creepy space furry fan girl" before blowing me off completely, but then I found my community of dedicated fans who helped me out on Discord to further my knowledge as we wait for the other installments.

I opened my homemade dictionary, pulled my laptop out, and found the writing tab I used for things to remember.
This is how most of my nights go: I come home from my crappy retail job. After being yelled at by entitled customers and brats, I study a made-up language, then I eat a small meal of Ramen and whatever meat I decide to put in it, and then I sleep and count the days until my next off day.

"...more like a fifth of tequila and an ass-kicking." I smiled as I continued my self-inflicted studying, listening to the man yelling on the ship, about how long they had been in cryo and how best to handle it.

The scene changed, everyone loaded up on the valkyrie and soon the man in charge of the transport began shouting for everyone to put on masks, informing them of passing out and death and his reports.

I made my ramen, then cooked some chicken and onions to mix in. After adding the broth mix, I dumped in the shredded meat and veggie.

"Meals on Wheels." I heard Private Fike's voice from my living room.

"Oh, man, that is wrong!" I heard Corporal Wainfleet chuckle.

I could see the image clear as day in my head as Jake narrowly missed being stepped on by a passing mech and watched the large bulldozer with arrows in the wheels roll by him before making it inside to Colonel Quaritch's little briefing.

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