Zuko looked at Jeong-Jeong, jaw dropped as he processed what he said, "Are you serious? Aang isn't supposed to learn Firebending yet, he doesn't have the right mindset to approach it. He'll end up injuring someone or worse!"

Jeong-Jeong nodded, agreeing with the angry Prince, "While that is true Prince Zuko, that is simply how things are. We can't go against the past Avatar's guidance, it may jeopardize the current Avatar's connection to him as well.

Zuko stewed in anger, jeopardizing their connection my ass. Roku's jeopardizing Aang's chance to learn Firebending correctly.

He let out a breath and forced himself to relax, "Fine. I guess there's nothing we can do about it anyway. Now that he has his inner flame stoked we can't turn it back off. I'll just have to make sure he doesn't use it carelessly."

Jeong-Jeong nodded thoughtfully, "That is a good idea, Prince Zuko. It is good that the Avatar has you as a teacher, it will do him well in the future."

Zuko huffed, "Yeah, if I don't strangle his stupid past lives first."

Jeong-Jeong chuckled, "I guess so."

They stared at each other for a while, before Zuko got curious, "Why do you keep calling me Prince? I was banished, I lost that title."

Jeong-Jeong looked at the boy in front of him, both grateful and saddened by his humility, "That's because, Prince Zuko, I along with everyone here see you as a Prince. You were banished for protecting your people. No one in the 41st will ever call you anything but Prince."

Zuko's eyes widened in realization, "So you mean..."

Jeong-Jeong nodded, "Some of the deserters here are remnants of the 41st. I was able to save them because I heard of your actions at the war meeting. You protected them, you protected your people. If that doesn't make you a Prince then I don't know what does."

Zuko's eyes widened as he bit back tears.

He had thought he failed them. He thought they lost their lives because he failed to save them. But some of them had survived, and they were even grateful to him for standing up for them.

Jeong-Jeong looked at the boy, who was holding back his tears, and smiled.

Maybe Iroh was right to brag about him.


Zuko walked around the camp, looking at the deserters in a new light, seeing how they looked at him.

He realized that they were looking at him with gratefulness, maybe even reverence. He didn't know what to do with it.

He was pulled out of his confusion by Sokka, "Hey Zuko, can we talk for a bit."

Zuko turned to look at Sokka, surprised he wasn't ignoring him.

"Uh, sure."

They walked to a secluded spot, and Zuko saw Sokka rubbing his neck awkwardly.

Is he okay?

He was cut off before he could voice his concerns, "Look I'm just gonna say it. I'm sorry. I judged you just because of who your dad was. I treated you like shit and that wasn't cool. I'm sorry."

Zuko looked at Sokka in shock.

What's with these siblings and apologizing? Is it a Water Tribe thing?

He thought back to Bato and realized that no, it was not.

He cleared his throat, "Uh. Thanks, and don't worry about it. It's not like I was expecting you to take it nicely."

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