Back From The Dead

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"Who am I? Where am I? Tom asks holding his head. He sees nothing but blur. He could assume there are two people standing infront of him. He still tries to see but everything is blur around him. He could feel someone's hand on his shoulder. The hand is tough, probably a man's hand. He comes really close to Tom. He says something to him and Tom repeats every word that he said to him. "I'm Tom Avery. I'm a surgical resident. My family lives in Seattle. I live with my parents and my elder sister Jo Avery." As he finishes every word that the man told him Tom could see everything clearly but he's all alone.

Elena's POV:

"Gilbert, it's a hospital and you're an intern, you could not be late" Aurora hisses at me. "I'm sorry Doctor. Dickson. It's just....." Aurora cuts me off and hands me her files. "We've emergency. A vehicle crashed on a road. Few people are injured. We've to be ready and Gilbert, I'll not tolerate any mistake. Do you understand?" She says. I nod and huff. I hate seeing people hurt. I don't know how could I handle this now.

"She really hates you, 'Lena" Olivia says. "Nowdays everyone hates me, I guess" I say. "Well, not Avery at least" Olivia says and I shush her. "What? As if nothing's going on between you two. I know everything. I can smell him on you" Olivia says sniffing me. "Hey!! Liv. Please stop it" I say. "So, are you going to come at the bar like last night?" She asks. "No, in hell. I had enough last night" I say. "Oh! Come on. We could enjoy at least for some minutes" she says. "I wish I could. Ric is coming tonight so I really have to go" I say.

Another day of me feeling guilty and heartbroken. This is my first trauma case that I actually performed. I mean mostly I stitched and applied meds. People were badly injured. Some were immediately taken to the OR. I hate to see all that but saving them is the best feeling in the world.

I avoid Tom all day because I really have other things to handle. Valerie is all over him and I hate it. The way Tom interacts with her like I don't even exist like last night and this morning meant nothing to him. He is really good at hiding and pretending just like Stefan. Well, now again here my heart goes to Stefan.

As I said I avoid Tom so I didn't even bother to talk to him. Besides Ric will be at home. I drive as soon as my shift is over.

"Hey, Ric. How are you?" I ran to hug him. "I'm great actually." He says. "I missed you, how's Jeremy?" I ask. "Typical jermey you know as usual" he says. I giggle. "But my kitchen that has been used. Did u cook here?" He asks. "I didn't. Tom did" My eyes shot at him for my sudden reply and he does the same. "You had Tom over here?" He asks. I scratch my forehead. "It's not what you think so don't judge. I need a shower then I'll tell everything. Okay?" I say and leave. I didn't even care to wait for his reply.

"Remind me to thank Tom" Ric says. I'm taking a bite on my pizza slice. "Sure" I say. As I'm focusing on my pizza, I never really asked Ric what really happened that night. I don't even know how did he die and became a vampire. I wanna ask him but I probably hurt him by asking. "Ric!" I say softly. "Yeah!" He replies. "I know it'll hurt you but I actually wanna know something" I say pausing a bit. "What is it?" He asks. "What really happened that night? How did you become a ..." I ask. Ric says nothing. I see him taking a breath. "Honestly Elena, I don't know. All I remember that I was in my apartment packing my Vervain grandes and the last thing I remember I was hungry for blood and Damon stood next to me" he says. "So, in between all that, you remember nothing?" I ask. He shakes his head no. "I'm sorry. Actually... I really want to know" I say. "That's fine. You deserve to know everything" he says. I smile at him softly.

Mostly after dinner I like to take a walk outside. I cover myself with a blanket, enjoying the cold breeze blowing my hair. "It's cold outside. You shouldn't be walking here, alone" he says. I look at him and smile gently. "I think I really got a stalker" I say. He smiles softly. We are walking together, even our steps matches. "What are you doing here anyway?" I ask. "I'm hiding from Valerie" he wishpers to me. "Why is that? You didn't seem really hideous when you were sucking up her lips" I say in an awkward voice. "Somebody's jealous " he giggles at me. "Barely" I say but I lie and he knows it. As we walk together, I stop taking steps, I look at him.

"Tom, it's okay. We met and we talked and it was epic. But then the sun came up and reality set it" I say. He looks at me really confuse. I ignore the look. "Nice lines, actually. You should be a writer" he says kicking a rock. I chuckle because he clearly avoid my epic dialogue that I'd given to Stefan when I got to know he had a ex girlfriend. "I wanted to be a writer actually but my parents died and I almost died, so.." I say. Tom stops and stands still. I turn back to look at him. "I'm sorry. I didn't know." He says.

"Stefan was the one who saved me. He was able to save my father but my father didn't let him. When he pulled me out, he went back for them but they were already dead" I say. Tom takes my word and close his eyes. "So, this is how you both met?" He asks me. I smile softly and shake my head no. "We met in the men's room" I say. Tom looks at me and tilts his head at me. "It's a long story" I say crunching my nose.

"It's an interesting story" he says and look at me feet. "Yeah, I drool at him the second I saw him" I say and literally embarras myself for saying that. "Well, I agree. You're a drooler" he says. I slap his arm when I remember myself drooling on his chest this morning and he giggles. "How did he die?" He asks. I wish I have the answers to tell him. I stop walking and he stops too. I see him feeling guilty for asking me that.

"Let's just go back to home. Do you wanna come?" I ask. He smiles softly and shakes his head no. I say goodbye to him and leave the place. I know he's waiting for me to turn back at him but I don't want to. All I want is to run back home and lock myself in my room.

The next day:
"Elena, hurry up. You're going to be late" he says. "In a minute, Ric" I scream from my room. I grab a blue jeans and a white shirt and my casual scarf. I apply light make up and tie my hair in a ponytail.

"What's up Ric?" I ask biting on my toast. Suddenly my doorbell rings. I wipe my leftover roast powder off my hand and get up to open the door.

As I open the door. My eyes are shot open like I've seen two pretty ghost that I didn't have see in ages.

"Hi, Elena" Caroline smiles at me widely. "It's been a long time" Bonnie says smiling at me too.


So, Borolena is back. Yepiiie!!!

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