I'm Gone

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Hey guys, I just want to thank all of you for supporting me and reading my story. My story is currently ranking in no. 1 position on Stelena and I can't be more happier..

Elena's POV:
I wish I had bring my diary with me. I want to write so many things. Things that happened yesterday and now I'm lying on Stefan's bare chest. I want to write all of it. I look up and see Stefan's sleeping so peacefully like he's in heaven. The way he's holding me, breathing slowly. He looks so innocent like a baby. I could stare at him all day. I don't want him to get hurt. The way Klaus had taken every happiness of his life. Before Klaus came in the picture, we were so happy. It's not like we never had problems and of course there was the D word and D word is still in our lives but we never were aparted. We stick together, we fought everything together. I just wish to save him. I wish I could take away his pain. I clutch into the bedsheet and shift myself more by groping his waist and then he twists. "Hey...." he says. "Ssshhh!!! Go back to sleep" I say. "What time is it?" Stefan says trying to open his eyes. "It's still early. Probably 6 am" I say. "And why you've woken up so early?" Stefan asks.

"I just.... I miss my diary. You know it's my early thing to do in the morning" I say. Stefan places his lips on my forehead "I know" he mumbles. "Stefan, can I ask you something?" I ask hesitantly. "Yes" Stefan says I look at him and I see he's looking up at the ceiling.

"Don't you love me anymore?" I ask. I see Stefan's body shaken a bit hearing my question. I know this is so dumb of me asking him if he loves me or not. I know he does but I want him to say to me. I want to know if he loves me the way he used to before Klaus ruined everything.

"What makes you think that I don't love you anymore?" Stefan asks furrowing his eyebrows. "I asked you first. If you answer it then I'll answer yours" I demand. I see Stefan takes a light sigh like he is out of words or have gone mute.

"It's okay, you don't have to answer. I gotta freshen up" I say and left his chest but suddenly he pulls me into his chest again and I yelp. This reminds me of our old times. This is how he used to pull me off on his bed again just to cuddle up with me or kissing my neck and inhaling my scent. I miss those so much.

I thought he would roll us over and hover over me but he doesn't do anything like that so I'm disappointed. "I'll tell when we'll take down every Original out of our lives" Stefan says and he kisses my forehead lightly. I smile at him.

Bonnie says she needed time to figure out how to work her relationship build up with her mother so she won't see us for few days. I hug her and we left her home.

I ride on his motorcycle for the second time. I am a mess to be honest now. I need warm shower. Stefan drops me on my yard. "Are you coming?" I ask. "No, I've to go back to home to see if Damon and Katherine are still doing their homework" Stefan says sitting on his motorcycle. "Are they a thing now?" I ask. "I don't know but Katherine's helping us. Definitely because she also wants to kill Klaus. She's been looking for herself and running from him almost 500 years. That's why she's with us. But I can't tell much because she's incapable of everything" Stefan huffs. "Or maybe she wants you and Damon again like the old times" I say. Stefan chuckles "I gotta go" he says and starts his engine and I see him vanishes in the air.

Stefan's POV:

The door is unlocked. This is strange because I know we always lock our door. And it's still early in the morning. "Damon?" I called. I walk towards our fireplace but I see my house is mess like we were robbed. "Katherine?" I called. I whoosh to his room to see if the stakes are still in Damon's room but I find none. Damon's room is total mess. It didn't take a second to know who did it.

I'm walking towards the Originals palace. I see klaus's lap dogs been guarding the palace. "Oh! he's here" one of klaus's hybrid says. "Come on in. Klaus is waiting for you" he says. I look at him. My eyes are burning. All I want is to rip every one of their hearts and chew it out. I control my anger and go in.

I see Damon's hanging in the middle of the palace. He's chained up. He's bloody. He's weak and I see his head is down. "Stefan, you came" Rebekah says. "What's going on?" I ask. "Well, you've been planning on killing us. I see you've found out our little secret. How could you be so heartless Stefan?" Rebekah says.

"I'm heartless? Your brother has taken everything away from me. Your whole family is cursed. They kill Elena. Klaus has taken my life. I'm a deadish vampire walking everywhere without having any humanity and you're asking me why am I heartless?" I spit out.

"Don't you forget that I've been stuck in my coffin for 90 years because I CHOSE you over my brother" Rebekah yells. "I didn't tell you to choose me. What we had was a fling. I don't love you. I never even loved you" Stefan says. Rebekah looses her temper and slam me against in the wall. "Is it because of that bitch? Elena! You know, she's a human and I could rip her heart out whenever I want or maybe I could burn her house to the ground and watch her burning inside" Rebekah spits out. I growl and slam Rebekah back against the wall. "It's okay, I like it rough" Rebekah says. I hear Damon chuckles weakly. "Enoughhhh" I heard and I turn around to see Klaus coming down the stairs.

"I've nothing to do with you, Stefan. All I wanted is my blood source to be alive so that I could make hybrids. I made you turn off your humanity to ease your guilt and pain but still you're still standing against me. Do you really have no appreciation for me? Your love for her is really powerful than anything, isn't it?" Klaus says. "Let my brother go" I demand.

"I will. Just hand me over the stakes" Klaus says. "What?" I ask. "You didn't have the stakes?" I ask. "Good Lord! If I had stakes then why would I be torturing your brother in the middle of my house? Klaus asks. "Wait, where's Katherine?" I ask. "What you know. It's her" Damon says weakly.

Klaus releases Damon after being satisfied on us that we were telling the truth. Elena came to check up on him. I didn't say anything or even didn't bother to show up. I hope she will be gone after meeting Damon but I'm loudly wrong.

I see Elena standing against my door. "You okay?" She asks. "Barely" I chuckle. She comes toward me "Hey! talk to me" Elena demand. "We finally had one way to take down all of them and Katherine freaking pierce stole it" I say. "What?? She says. "I don't know Elena. I don't know why she would betray us like this again. Damn it" I say and flip a chair but I see Elena winch. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. You should go. I'm no mood in a place to be lectured if you've left some in you" I say. " I didn't come to lecture you. I just want to make sure you're okay" she says. We are gazing at each other.

"I've to go" I say. "Where?" Elena asks curiously. "To find Katherine" I say. "No, no, no, no" Elena refuses. "It's the only way Elena to get stakes from her to take them all down. I don't know how many days I could bare to see them. I want them dead. I want them gone" I say. "Wait? Stefan you're angry. Did you turn on your humanity?" Elena asks.

"I don't know all I know that I need to go, find her, take the stakes and rip her heart out" Stefan says. "You can't leave just like that Stefan. You're raging. It's an issue. You're not thinking clearly. We need plan" Elena spit out. "We don't need plan. I say what I say and there's nothing you could do to stop me" I say.

"Okay, I'm going with you" Elena says. "Are you crazy? It's risky I don't know where she is. I've to get a lead to find her. It'd take days and I can't just take you with me" I say. "You really think living me here alone with the Originals would be safe?" Elena ask. "Damon's here. He knows what to do" I say. "Yeah, like he could save his own ass from them" Elena says taking her eyes away from me. I inhale because she's right. "Okay, go back to your home. Pack your things. We're in this together" I say.

(To be continued)

Yeah!!! Stelena trips are coming in next episodes. I can't wait to write about their road trips.... My next chapter is leading us toward Chicago....
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