Is This Real?

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Elena's POV:

Dear Dairy, it's a new day. A new start. I'm holding onto hope. Hope is the only thing that kept me alive. Today's going to be adventures. I can sense it. Today, I've faith. Today, I'll smile. I... Have to.

I never got the answers that I was looking for. I don't know what really happened that day. Everything changed since..... I don't wanna write about it. It's been a long time that I'm writing to you.

I really want to talk about so many things that I've been hiding to myself. I wish I could open up to you just like the old days. Though, I didn't really need you in that time because he was there for me. The truth is I miss him every single day. "Elena, you're getting late" I hear Ric shouting downstairs. Oh! I forgot to tell you. Ric is alive. Though not really really alive. It's complicated. Today's my first day as an intern. Wish me luck.

I close my diary and drop the pen. I walk towards the bathroom to freshen up.

"Hey, hurry up. It's your first day. You can't be late" Ric says. I chuckle. "Relax, Ric. I still have time. Seattle Grace isn't too far" I say.

Mmmmm I forgot to tell y'all, we don't live in Virginia anymore. Ric and I moved to Seattle after everything changed. Jeremy is still in Denver for his diploma degree. I'm eating my sandwich that Ric has made. "Mmmmm, it's delicious" I hum. Ric smiles lightly. I look at him and see him getting tensed. "Hey, everything will be okay, Okay? Jo is nice" I say.

Okay forgive me... Nowdays I really forget to tell y'all everything. Ric likes a woman who's apparently a doctor. She's the Chief of Seattle Grace and she's apparently going to be my boss. Her name is Jo.

"I know. I really like her. Things really didn't go well with Meredith. So, I'm kinda nervous" he says. I keep my hand on his. "Everything's going to be okay" I say. I look at the clock. "Hey, Ric. Now I'm getting late. I gotta go" I say. I take my bag and rush to unlock the main door. "Hey, Elena" Ric calls. I turn around to see him, holding the main door. "You know... I still...mmmm" he trying to say but I cut him off. "Jenna will be so happy. She wanted you to be happy. You deserve it" I say. "Good luck" Ric says. I slowly close the door after giving an approval smile.

Seattle Grace Hospital:

I'm walking ahead to the hospital. I'm kind of nervous. It's my first day and I really don't want to be late. Well, technically I'm late. Seattle is a busy city and I got stuck in the traffic. I'm rushing to the hospital and bump into someone. I fall on the ground. I turn around and see a boy. "Hey, you okay?" he asks me giving his hand to help me. I nod and accepts his hand. "I'm fine" I say. "You're the new intern?" He asks. "Yes, how do you know?" I ask. "Well, Chief Jo Avery informed me earlier. She said you're related to her" he says. I smile lightly. "My uncle actually seeing her, so" I bite down my lip. "Come on, let's go inside" he says. "By the way. I'm Aaron" he says. "I'm Elena" I say.

"Elena, you're late" Jo says. "I'm sorry, j... Chief" I say. Jo lightly smile at me and walk towards me. "This is your first day so I'm forgiving you. Don't think I'll forgive you the second time" she says. I give her yes ma'am face.

"Okay, go and sit with the other interns. You're surgical resident will be there" I nod and leave.

I see the other interns. They're total 4 interns sitting and pacing. I already met Aaron. There's Olivia who has blonde hair, olive skin, blue eyes. Michael who has dark hair and he's like really taller. Helena who seems to be really quite girl. She's pretty beautiful. She reminds me of Bonnie. She really looks alike her. And Eiden who reminds me of my little brother. I talk to them. They seem nice and welcoming.

"Hey, new chicks come in here" I turn around and see our surgical resident calling us. Her name is Aurora. We head towards her. We stand still as if she's our major and we're her soldiers. Well, she doesn't look any less of a major. Her height is around 5ft 5inch. She has black eyes. She's a brunette like me. "Okay, here's the schedule list. Y'all are under me. One mistake and you're out. Got it? These are my rules and you all must follow it. I wouldn't want to hear any complain or mistake" she spits out. I swallow my own saliva. She really looks dangerous. She then point her index finger at me.

"Hey, you brunette.. you'll be with me in the OR. We're under Dr. Avery in the OR. Don't be late" she says. I nod.
I kind of relief that Jo would be there. But wait, Jo is a chief. She barely actually do surgeries. I mean she does but I read the board she has no surgery schedule today.

I'm looking at the board while I hear Olivia rushing towards me. "Hey, don't run. Aurora is going to kill you if she sees you running across the hall" I say. "Elena, you're so damn lucky. God! I'm so jealous" she says trying to catch her breath.

"What? What is it? I ask her in confused. "Avery. Doctor Avery. I just saw him. God! Elena, he's so hot. I can't breathe. I don't think so you'd ever be able to help Aurora out there while the thing (Avery) would perfom" she says. "Olivia, calm down. Thing? Come on, he's our senior, a doctor and a person. I'm here to learn okay? I really don't care how the hottie Avery of yours look" I spit out. After Stefan's death, I really don't even think about fall in love again. It's impossible. I even let go off the feelings that I've developed for Damon and left Mystic Falls for good.

"I don't think so. You haven't seen him. I'm sure you'd change your statement" she says. I'm walking back while looking at Olivia "Yeah, that's gonna happen" I joke and turn around and I feel like I bump into someone again.

I was holding some files that Aurora gave me earlier but the papers are all over the ground now. Oh my God! Aurora would kill me. I try to look at the person that I bump into, he's actually on the ground picking up the papers. I hit on my head lightly and lean down to take the papers.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. I was actually walking back....." I say still taking the papers ignoring the person with whom I just bumped into.

"It's fine" he says. And I choke. The voice is so familiar. I've heard it. I've heard it before. Suddenly I feel shiver goes down my spine and I can't breath. I gently look at him and I....... I see him. I see him.

He gathers the papers and stands up. I do the same not breaking the eye contact. There it is. His green eyes, his novel stares. His baby face with his HERO hair on. Those damn pink lips that I've tasted like a billion times. The perfect body. I could see his sculpture with the dark blue shirt he is wearing. I lost in him. My tears all are gathering in my eyes, threatening to spill anytime.

"Here, your papers" he says handing those over. I shakily takes from him still gazing at him. "Uhhh... I've not seen you here. Are you an intern? He asks. I gently nod my head. He brings his hand towards me. "Hi, I'm Doctor Tom Avery" he says.

Avery? Tom Avery? I'm barely holding onto my dear life. I would faint anytime soon. I shakily reach to shake his hand but suddenly I feel dizzy. I try to hold on still but I feel like gravity isn't under me anymore. I slowly give my body into his chest. He's holding me. Damn! Even he still carries the scent that I inhale so many times. I'm in his arms now where I've always belonged. I lightly see him. He's shaking my shoulder to wake me up but all I can is black.

                     (To be continued)

Okay, I know this is confusing but I'll reveal everything in next chapters. The thing is I'm kind of bored writing Vampires, Originals. So, I changed the story a bit. In Upcoming Chapters there would be Vampires presence but less. Human preferences would be more.

So, please vote and review that I'm not actually doing any mistake to change the theme line.

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Twitter: stelenaaesthetic

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