Stefan's Apartment

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Elena's POV:

We are now staying at Stefan's old apartment. I've been in his apartment before when I came to save him few week ago. Stefan has a lead that Katherine is in Chicago. I'm hoping he'll find her and we would be free from The Originals.

"Did you bring your whole closet?" Stefan asks while dropping my bags. I chuckle and scanning his room. "This is an one room apartment as you can see. I hope, it wouldn't be uncomfortable for you to stay" Stefan says. "For me? The way you're saying as if you're not going to stay in here" I say. I look at him and he says nothing just looking at his feet.

"Stefan?" I call him. "I only bring you here so that you'd be safe. I don't trust Klaus or Rebekah and you said Damon's not in a condition to keep you safe. This is exactly why I've brought you here not like we're going to stay here forever. We didn't come here for a vacation either" he says. "Yes, I know but what does it mean?" I ask. "You're going to stay here while I'll be searching for Katherine. I'm not staying with you" he says.

"Whaaaaat? Noo! I'm coming with you. I can't just let you go alone" I say. "Elena, I can't. It's dangerous outside. All I want you to stay in here. I'm not actually leaving you here all alone. I'll come back to check up on you" he says. "So, I'm a hostage now?" I ask  "No, you're not but you don't have any choice. I've enemies here too. If they somehow find out I came back here, it could be a problem. Please understand" he says. I place my hands on my face and sighing in it. I technically can't go anywhere.

"Hey" Stefan says caressing my cheek. "You'll be fine here. You've internet, food and a balcony to clear your mind. I'll come back for you" he says. I grope his hand. "Promise?" I ask. He kisses my forehead "I promise."

I'm bored to be honest. Stefan can't be with me the whole time. Bonnie is at her mother's home so I can't disturb her. Caroline's having Tyler drama and Damon.. um... Let's not talk about him. Jeremy has Ric so probably they're doing boy things. I'm lying on Stefan's bed looking at the ceiling. Stefan cares for me. He's acting like the old one.

I still don't understand why he's so in denial to open up to me. I've seen him at his worst. I know him better than anyone and he knows it. I bring my hand on my forehead where Stefan kissed me this morning. He still left his lips on my forehead. I'm caressing my forehead and remembering our old times. Suddenly I hear a knock. I get up from the bed. Stefan's really early. I hope he finds a lead to Katherine.

"Stefan, heyyyyy..." I open the door without checking who it is and I'm stunned. That's not Stefan. There's shabby guy standing in front of me. His hair is mess. He's wearing a black jacket and red shirt underneath. "What... Who are you?" I ask.

"You're Stefan's chick" he says chuckling. Oh my God! Probably he is one of Stefan's enemy. Stefan told me earlier how he has enemies here too. As soon as I try to slam the door, he holds it. Suddenly I remember this apartment is Stefan's and he's the only owner of this apartment. Any vampires could walk in here.

I'm trying hardest to lock the door but I can't. He pushes the door and I fall on the ground. I try to get up to get Vervain and other items to take him down but he started dragging my feet. He pins me underneath and smirking at me.

I'm trying so hard to fight against him but he's freakishly strong. I see he opens his fangs and coming near my neck. I'm struggling hard and praying to be saved. Suddenly his face gotten pale and I see his face veins fading.

Stefan! Stefan moves his dead body off me while holding his heart. He throws the heart away and helps me to get up. "Hey, hey, you okay?" He says. I immediately embrace him and started crying. "Shhhhh!!! It's okay. I'm here. I'm here. You're fine." He says. I sob into his arms for few minutes and pull myself away.

"Don't pretend that you care for me. You don't give a shit about me. If you actually care for me, you wouldn't have left here alone knowing your enemies are waiting for you" I spit out. "Elenaaa!!" He says breathing deeply. "Don't just don't" I spit out and walk ahead the balcony.

I don't know how long I've been standing in balcony and watching the busy city. I heard that Stefan had taken care of the body. I almost got killed. What would happen if Stefan actually didn't come in time. I'd be dead. He'd find me dead. My friends and family would be ridden of a burden. Yes, I'm a burden. I'm the problem of everything. I'm lost in thoughts suddenly I notice Stefan puts a blanket on my shoulder.

"Elena, it's freezing outside. Come back to room" he says. I say nothing, ignoring him. "Elena, please. You'll get sick" he says. I look at him and I see him worry. "Don't pretend to care. I know you don't care" I say looking away from him. "All the things I've been doing, I'm doing for you. I left the town to save my brother but I wilingly gave myself to Klaus so that you could be safe. All I want for you is to live your life. I became a slave to Klaus to protect you. I almost killed myself so that I didn't have to feed on you. I'm here to take stakes from Katherine to kill off The Originals so that you could be free from them forever. All of these things I'm doing for you and you're here doubting that I don't give a shit about you?" He spits out angrily.

I just look at him. I see anger in his face but his eyes are saying something else. He's hurt. He hates to see me hurt, broken, fragile. "Now get your butt down back to the apartment or I'll make you" he orders. I sigh deeply and heading towards the room. All the things he said is true. He's been doing all this for me, I know that. I'm slightly happy because he's showing anger, rage, protection all these things makes a person a HUMAN. I'm sure he has gotten his humanity back. He just needs a little to get it all back.

We ate dinner. We didn't say much. We ordered Pizza. Stefan just watched me eating while drinking blood from the bags. I brush my teeths and get comfortable in my regular night clothes. I'm wearing my blue tank top and my shorts. Stefan scans my thighs when he sees me in my shorts. He really has hunger for my legs and I know it.

I say nothing. I go to bed when Stefan's sitting on the couch. I open the blanket and wrap myself. Stefan pulls his shirt over his head and I see his muscles. Damn! Those are mouth drooling things.

"Are you still gonna be mad at me?" I ask. "I'm not mad at you" he says removing his boots. "Then come and sleep beside me" I order. He sighs deeply staring at me. He walks toward me and fall beside me.

I'm taking deep breaths. He's not holding me, not even my hand. He places one hand on his chest and another one falls on the side of my body. Our hands are inches away to be touched. He's looking at ceiling. I move my head to look at him and he looks at me.

We both are staring at each other lips. I want those lips on me. The way I'm taking breaths is like I'm out of oxygen. I want him to kiss me. I need to kiss him. We are still gazing at each other lips and also at our eyes asking for permission to give ourselves in but still we are doing nothing. This frustration is killing me. Oh damn fuck it. I get up a little to hold his face. Just give it Elena just do it I say to myself.

                 (To be continued)

Chapter 14 will be updated on 30th November 2022

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