Make Me Yours

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Elena's POV:

I'm still wrapping into Stefan's arms. He's holding me like his life is defending on my body lying on top of him. I look at him and all I see an angel with a babyface sleeping like a baby. I look at him and my eyes falls on his luscious lips. I want to kiss him so badly. I remember how he used to kiss him on my lips when we woken up together but now that's barely a memory. He refused to be physical with me. I miss him. I want him to touch me. Every time I lead him into that direction he excuses or becomes mean to me. I sigh remembering all that and suddenly I see Stefan staring at me. "Sleep tight?" He asks. "Yes" I say. "Okay, I've to go. I've school" I say. He nods "And so do you" I remind him. He chuckles "That was something I wanted to do back then but now I don't" he says. I sigh again and stare at him. We're looking at each other. I'm hoping he'll just kiss me on the lips. I want him to kiss me on my lips. Don't get me wrong we kissed. But it was me crashed my own lips against his and he returned me back.

I want him to want me. I want him to kiss me first. He leans toward me but not near my lips but my forehead and places a kiss on it. I smile and I get up of his body. I suddenly feel so unprotected for our bodies disconnection.

After freshen up I go to my room but I see he's not in my room. "Stefan?" I call. I go to my living room and I find no one except an empty house all by myself. I huff because I'm hungry and I have to make breakfast. Okay when I say "breakfast" that means making cereal. I can't cook and I never really needed to cook. When my parents were alive my mom used to make and then when they passed away Jenna made for us, sometimes Stefan did. I go to kitchen cabinet but I see my breakfast is already placed on the kitchen with a note sticking down the plate. "Have a great day" I read. Stefan already left me breakfast. I smile taking my toast and drinking my juice. I take my black coat and I lock my house to go to school.

Stefan's POV:
I'm hungry. I have to hunt now. Truth be told I'm not hungry anymore. At least not the way I used to. Thanks to Elena. She's making me feel like the old me again. I'm feeling better now. Even without my humanity I still feel things even though I am a loser for not believing it. I made breakfast to Elena because I know if I left without making her breakfast, she would have burned down her house already. I chuckle remembering how she tried to make Pasta and brutally burned it. This woman is crazy. But I love her more than anything. Then suddenly my phone beeps. Klaus sends me a picture. Wait! A picture of Damon and Katherine. They're wrapped in ropes sitting on a chair. I see their skins are burned.

Again my phone beeps "This is for going behind my back, Stefan" Klaus sent me. My eyes shot, my veins started coming out. He's been hurting them and I've not have even contacted with them. That's so dumb of me. I call Klaus

"Leave them, Klaus. Right now" I say
"I would never leave them Stefan" he says. "Klaus, this is enough. I've been doing whatever you're asking me to do. I've been your side the entire time, obeying you. Let Elena hate me for you and you're keeping my brother hostage" I spit out. "I don't wanna play dirty games either, Stefan. All I wanted you to keep Elena safe for me and minding your damn business but clearly your brother is in a mission to prove how he's the ANTI-HERO on the show so he left me with no choice and don't worry about Katerina. I'll take care of her" he says. "Klauuu" I begin to say but he hung up on me. I've to do something. I've to free them. I've been pacing to think how to get them out of his dungeon and I know what exactly I've to do.

Elena's POV:

Dear Diary,
It was a regular day. Bonnie is still sick with the flu and Caroline in her Tyler- Hybrid drama is boring me. Stefan didn't come school because he has nothing to do with school anymore or maybe he has nothing to do with me. I'm trying but I'm failing. I can give up on him but I don't want to. I want to save him. If Lexi was here, she'd do the same. Stefan had bring happiness into my life when I needed someone. I want to help him now. I hope I can save him.

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