History Repeats Itself

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Elena's POV:

I feel so light and dizzy. My head hurts. I slowly open my eyes. I see someone's sitting beside me. I rub my eyes a little more to see the person. I see Olivia sitting close to me in a chair.

"Hey! You alright?" She asks. I try to get up. Olivia rushes to help me sit up. "I...just... I don't know maybe my BP got low" I say holding my head. "Yes, Doctor Avery checked it on you" she says. I immediately look at her. "Really? He did?" I ask. "Yes, he was there for you. He left an hour ago before to perform the surgery" Olivia says. "I bet if he didn't have the surgery, he wouldn't leave you by yourself though" Olivia says again with her proud grin face. I gaze into her.

I huff a little. This can't be true. What's really happening. I need answers. I know he's my Stefan. I could feel him. He carried his scent. I was in his arms and I felt it. How could he not be my Stefan. I'm in my deep thoughts and I see my surgical resident walking in to my room. "Gilbert, how are you feeling?" She asks lightly.

"I'm fine, Doctor Dickson. I'm much better now" I say. She sees my chart. "Okay, you could go for the day. It was your first day and I could tell you really didn't impress me. Eat foods to survive, Gilbert. You're too skinny and weak. You could never be a doctor like that" she says, judging me. I look at her and I suddenly remember I had to be on the OR with her. "How did the surgery go?" I ask. "It was fine. Doctor Avery and I did. But I was really looking forward to you be there. Our chief adores you. You're really dear to her. I need to see how much of a dear you truly are" she says in a manly voice.

"We don't priotize nepotism here. Just in case you don't know" she says. I don't say anything. I get up from the bed. I dress quickly. I don't think so I could able to see Stefan/Avery/Tom whatever his name is. I just need to go home.

I call an Uber and go back to my place. Ric is at work so my house is empty. I finish my lunch. Well, lunch means I ordered Pizza. Y'all know I can't really cook. It's better for me try not to cook because there's huge possibility that I could burn my house to the ground.

I lay down on my bed, I tug my pillows and taking breaths deeply. I'm lost in the thoughts of Stefan. If he was alive, he could be beside me. I'd be wrapped around his arms. He would play with my hair and whispered sweet things into my ear. I tried to grieve him but grieve is overrated. I didn't cry the second I read the text. I screamed but I didn't have tears to spill.
With my deep thoughts I fall asleep.

"Elena, hey!" I hear. I open my eyes and see Ric calling me. "Hey!" I reply rubbing my eyes. "What time is it?" I ask. "It's almost 7 pm" he says. "What? 7 pm. Oh my God! I've been sleeping for that long" I say, opening my eyes too widely.

"But wait, what are you doing here now at 7pm?. You've to go ready. You've a date" I say. "That's why I come here to say to you. Get dressed. We've to go" he says. "Me? Why do you wanna bring me there? I don't wanna be the third wheel" I say. "Jo isn't coming alone. She's bringing her brother" he says. I suddenly shattered inside. Her brother. Wait. Tom Avery? She's bringing Stefan/Avery/Tom with her.

"Now get dressed" he says. "Ric, there's something abo...." I try to say but Ric phone starts ringing. "It's Jo. Come on. Hurry up. I'd meet you downstairs" he says.

I inhale deeply. I don't wanna see him but I need answers. He can't be Tom Avery. But then again I've a doppleganger. Maybe Stefan could have one too.

I freshen up. I open my closet to get a fine dress. I pick my white dress which is not too short but short enough to touch my knees, it has thin straps. It's V-neck that could show the perfect amount of cleavage. Caroline would always make my cleavage visible and I sometime caught Stefan staring at it. I laugh remembering our old times. I put a very light make up on my face. I wear the necklace that Stefan had given me. Although I'm far way from Vampires but just in case Tom appears to be a vampire.

I sit on Ric's car. I try to tell about Tom to Ric but I really couldn't find words to say. We finally get in our destination. The restaurant isn't too fancy but fancy enough for basically business meetings and politicians.

I see Jo waving at me. I greet her. "Hey, Elena. How are you feeling?" She asks. "I'm fine. My BP was low. That's it" I say. "I understand it was your first day" she says and I nod. Ric comes toward us and kisses Jo. It's so cute. They really look good together. "Where's your brother?" Ric asks and I feel like my throat getting dry. "He's here, just got a phone call. Oh! Look behind you" Jo says. I look beside me and I see Ric turns over and I notice he gasps. Stefan/Avery/Tom coming towards us.

He brings his hand towards Ric "Hi! Mr. Saltzman. I'm Tom Avery. Nice to meet you" he says. I see Ric swallows a bit harder like he just seen a ghost. He shakily shakes his hand on his "Nice to meet you too" Ric's voice almost broken down. I see Tom brings his eyebrows a little in a judgy way for the way Ric greeted. He then ignores it and looks at me now I'm swallowing my saliva down. "Ms. Gilbert" he says nodding. "Doctor. Avery" I greet him back.

We sit on the table. Ric is sitting next to me and Stefan/Avery/Tom sitting next to Jo. There's been an awkward silence between all of us. "Okay, this is getting weird. Is everything okay?" Jo asks. "Yes, totally" Ric and I both say together. I see Stefan/Avery/Tom chuckles a bit.

I need some air actually. "Call me when they bring the foods. I'm just gonna go there" I say and Ric gives me an approval face. I look at Stefan/Avery/Tom a bit. He also locks his gaze on mine.

I'm standing a little out of the dine. Enjoying the fresh air. "Did I do something wrong?" I hear his voice. Damn! I'd die on that voice. I inhale deeply and turn around to look at him. "No, why would you think that?" I ask in an awkward chuckle.

"Well, I don't know. The way Ric reacted as if he had seen a ghost or something" he says coming towards me. "Oh, no, no. Ric is always like that. He's a broody" I say. Stefan/Tom/Avery chuckles again. "So, Ms. Gilbert. How are you actually?" He asks. "I'm fine. Btw thanks for saving me from falling on the ground and carrying me on the hospital bed and taking care of me" I literally say it without using any full stop. I mentally slap myself for doing this to me.

He giggles. "That's fine. Actually. It's my job. It was your first day. That was fine" he says gazing into me. He then brings his hand on my hair and taking something off. "There's dust in your hair" he says and I'm lost in that moment. This is what Stefan did when Stefan and I met in the cemetery. He took a leaf off of me. While wiping my hair, he locks his eyes into mine and I'm staring on his lips. I just want to grab his face and kiss him so deeply. We both kind of leaning toward each other and I hear Ric calling us.

We look at Ric and we nod. Stefan/Avery/Tom takes a step back and bows his head. What a gentleman. I smile and I walk before him.

We all talk a bit. Jo said about her family and others. The awkward silence is over now. We enjoyed our dinner.

Ric and Jo walking together and somehow Stefan/Avery/Tom walking beside me. There's cold wind blowing and I hiss a bit. I notice Stefan/Avery/Tom takes off his coat and places on my shoulder. "You're cold. Take it" he says. I hold it and accidentally touch his fingers. Why am I getting so weak I don't understand. He smiles softly and shoves his hands on his pocket. There's a misty environment and I'm loving it. It's almost 4 years since I've lose Stefan. But the old feelings are getting back. We don't talk but loving the way the wind making us feel.

"So, we have to go now. It was nice meeting you ste..." Ric stops I winch a bit. "Doctor Avery" Ric finishes. "It was good meeting you too" he says. Joe hugs me and I hug her back. Ric kisses Jo for one last time. I try to ignore it, so does Stefan/Avery/Tom. Ric sits on the driver seat. I try open the passenger sit but Stefan/Avery/Tom stops me. He opens the door for me and I smile at him. "I'll see you tomorrow, Miss. Gilbert" he says. "Sure, Doctor Avery" I say. It's kind of really too soon to call him by his name.

He closes the door and Ric starts driving. I look at him through the car window, he's still standing and watching us go. Ric immediately try to ask about him but I stop him. It's time to get some answers. I need to call Damon Salvatore.

                        (To Be Continued)

Okay, the chapter is kinda long. I hope you'll enjoy. Please vote and review.

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