"Really? That's too bad." Mirajane said saddened before turning to a large crystal ball.

"If Lucy is their target, then they'll come and attack again. We've got a lot of wounded. This could be bad." Cana said, sweating a little.

"The master is in critical condition, Y/N is badly injured and practically immobile after what Mollusc did to him and we can't find Mystogan. You're the only one who we can ask for help..." A man with blonde hair wearing a set of headphones and a large scar on his right eye appears on the other side of the crystal ball. "... Laxus."

"Huh?" Was Laxus' only response.

"Please! Come back and help Fairy Tail in the darkest hour.." Mirajane began while Cana chugged a bottle behind her.

"You mean the old fart and the monkey bastard finally got theirs?!! Ha ha ha!!!" He started laughing. "Do it yourself. The whole thing has got nothing to do with me." He said with a satisfied look on his face.

Cana slammed her hand on the table in rage. "Laxus, you..!!!" She began but was cut off by said man.

"Well, it's true! The old man started all this, right? Why do I have to clean up after him and the brat?" He questioned.

"They're after Lucy... One of our guild." Mirajane tried to reason.

"Really? So am I!! She's that new girl with the big jugs, right?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. "Tell her that if she'll be my woman, I'll help out. Two more conditions!! Tell the old fart he has to throw out the rabid monkey then he has to retire and make me the master!!!!" He shouted with a demented look on his face.

"You really are a-" Cana began but was interrupted by Laxus once again.

"Watch it!! Is that how you nicely ask a guy to do a favor for you?! The least you can do is strip for me!!! I'm easy when it comes to sexy-" Before Laxus can finish the Crystal bursts into pieces leaving a crying and frustrated Mira.

"I can't believe that man!!! Can he really be a member of Fairy Tail...?! I guess this settles it!!! I'm going to fight!!!" She proclaimed shocking Cana.

"What are you saying?!" Cana questioned her.

"I mean, I was here, and Lucy still got kidnapped!!!" Mira responded with tears flowing down her face.

"You can't!! As you are now, you'd just get in the way. Even if you're an S-Class wizard." Cana said making herself irrefutable. Cana gives a soft sigh and looks over to see the unconscious body of Y/N. She makes her way over to the boy. "We could really use you right about now buddy." She said petting his head before sitting at a table to continue drinking.

*Erza's Pov*

After returning to the guild I decided to take a shower to clear my mind and go over what we could do. 'The master and Y/N are out of action... Laxus won't help and Mystogan is nowhere to be found. A lot of wounded... It's impossible to keep up the fight now.'

I think back to what Master said. "I suspect that Jose is on the top floor! I'm going up to see if he's breathing! And if he is, I'll put a stop to it!!!"

I punch the wall in frustration. 'It was that moment... If I had gone with him then... This is pitiful!!! It's all my fault!!!' I was cut from my thoughts when the ground started shaking like something big was making its way towards us. When I made it outside after wrapping a towel around me I was met with the sight of Phantom Lord's entire guild walking towards us on large metal legs.

"Prepare the magic focusing canon: Jupiter!!" Jose shouted from on top of the guild. The canon on the front of the started to ring before a light emitted from the end of the barrel. "Eliminate them." Jose ordered.

It was then that I realized what he was preparing. "This is bad!!!! Everyone, get down!!!" I shouted to the guild. I quickly ran towards the Mobil Guild and requipped my Adamantine Armor. "You will not harm our guild!!!" I declared and prepared myself for the blast. "Get down!!!!"

The cannon fired and hit me head on, quickly tearing through my armor

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The cannon fired and hit me head on, quickly tearing through my armor. "Gyaaahhh!!!!" All I could do was shout out in pain as I took the full force of the attack. The blast knocked me back sliding me across the ground. I tried to catch my breath after being hit by the blast but was having a hard time calming my breathing. I heard Natsu and Gray call out to me but they were cut off by Jose over speaker.

"Makarov, his grandson and Erza are out of action. You have no final ace to play. I want Lucy HeartfilIa handed over!!! And I want her now!!! Hand her over now!!!" Jose demanded.

The sheer thought of handing her over made me sick to my stomach. We will never give up on her. "IF IT'S HAND OVER A FRIEND OR DIE, THEN I CHOOSE TO DIE!!!"


"Oh, ho? If that's what you want, then you're going to get a heaping serving of Jupiter!!! I will allow you the fifteen minutes it takes to repower to wallow in your fear!!!" Jose shouted out in pure rage. Suddenly tons of shade troopers start pouring out of the guild. "Look and see your hell, Fairy Tail!!! You have two choices left to you!!! BE KILLED BY MY TROOPERS... OR BE KILLED BY JUPITER!!!!" 

Hey guys just a quick authors note at the end. This chapter is shorter due to the fact that I wanted to stop at a specific point in the story so tomorrow I will hopefully be able to post the next chapter. And if you enjoy and find yourself returning back to this fanfic leave a like and maybe follow. Until next time on Fairy Tail Zenkai!   

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