Cruel Words - Part 2

Start from the beginning

It was Seonghwa. The eldest hyung gave him a kind smile and put his hand on the maknae's shoulder.

"Hongjoong said you came looking for me. Is everything okay?"

Jongho gazed at him, trying to read his expression. Beneath the masking smile, Jongho caught a glimpse of something else. Seonghwa was suspicious and doubtful, but was hiding it with his calm demeanor. How would he react if he knew the truth? Would he be angry?

Jongho felt his mouth going dry and his throat constricting. He couldn't speak even if he wanted to. He leapt to his feet and disappeared out the door, leaving the stunned Seonghwa quickly behind. Once again, he did not know where his feet were taking him, only that he had to be as far away as possible. Deep down, he knew he was making the situation worse than it already was. But in truth, it was not Seonghwa he was running from, nor was it the punishment that he was trying to avoid. It was himself. That fact that he had so easily opened his mouth and spat out those cruel words terrified him. He didn't want to admit that he had been the cause of Wooyoung's hurt.

He stopped, leaning over with his hands on his knees, as he tried to catch his breath. His loud breaths were the only thing he could sense, as he closed his eyes. As the breaths slowly became steadier, he opened his eyes and looked around. He was at a park of some sort. Thankfully it was empty, because in his wild rush, he hadn't taken a mask or hat with him. He wasn't even wearing a hoodie. Because of this, he went to sit behind a thick clump of bushes. His head was still pounding, so he lay down in the grass and closed his eyes wearily. He must have fallen asleep, because by the time he opened them again, the sky was streaked with orange and the sun was already below the line of tall buildings.

He sat up and glanced at his phone. There were over 20 missed calls from all 7 members, with the majority of them being from Seonghwa and Hongjoong. Gulping, Jongho quickly flung the phone away from him, and shut his eyes tightly. This was like some horrible nightmare, that he could only hope he would soon awake from. But this is all real life, his mind hissed back at him. You can't avoid it.

Sighing, Jongho reached out and grabbed the phone again. He was barely conscious of what he was doing, as his fingers moved of their own accord to press his hyung's contact. He slowly put the phone to his ear and listened to the dreadful sound of it ringing.

"Jongho-ah! Are you okay?"

The desperate tone in Seonghwa's voice almost broke Jongo's heart. "Yes, hyung. I am okay."

There was a muffled sound of voices as Seonghwa relayed this to the other members. Then suddenly a different voice sounded over the phone.

"Choi Jongho, get your ass back to the dorm now!"

Jongho jumped at the sound of his angry leader. "I can't, hyung. I didn't bring a mask."

There was an angry sound of cursing and then arguing voices. Then to Jongho's relief, Seonghwa's calm voice came again. "Don't worry, Jongho. I am coming to get you. Text me your location."

"Thank you, hyung."

The call ended abruptly, making Jongho wonder if it was in Seonghwa's urgent haste, or if his hyung was much angrier than he wanted to let on. He drew his knees up on his chin and wriggled back closer to the bushes. Hongjoong was going to kill him...well...if Seonghwa already didn't plan to anyway. He didn't know how much time had passed, before he heard the sound of footsteps. He peered cautiously around the bush and breathed a sigh of relief as he saw his tall hyung approaching.
Seonghwa said nothing. He simply knelt in front of Jongho and placed the mask across his face, and slipped the cap over his head. Then grabbing Jongho by the arm, he gently but firmly pulled him to his feet. They then headed back to the dorm in silence. As the building finally came in sight, Jongho's feet began to drag.

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