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Davina's POV

"Davina, wake up please" I heard Jess cry and suddenly my eyes shot up. My head was pounding and I had clotted blood stains on the back of my head to my neck. I remember running in the woods and then I heard his voice. I don't remember anything after that. I tried to look at my surroundings. 

I, Jess, and Alex were all tied up together but the chairs were in a triangle, thus our backs were against each other, restraining us to look at each other. So, I couldn't see Jess or Alex. I heard Jess cry.

"Jess are you okay? What happened? Where are we?" I asked. "Thank god Davina you are awake. Look above you" Jess said and I did as she said. There was a beautiful chandelier above us but the thing was hanging with a help of a Rope that was tied to a wall in front of us. If someone cuts the rope the chandelier would come crashing down on us and we would die instantly.

"Alex are you there? Answer me" I asked. Alex was not replying. I got worried that something might have happened to him. "Why does it matter now? We all are going to die anyways" Alex replied.

"Yes, you all going to die. Do you think you guys deserve to live after what you did to Anna?" I recognized the voice instantly. "Austen" I blurted. "What did you say?" Jess heard me. "Stop hiding and come out, I know it's you" I yelled. After I said this a person wearing a black cloak came out and took off his cloak.

"So I was right, it is you," I said.

"See I told you it's him" Alex yelled. "Austen please don't do this. we are sorry for what happened. Please stop this" Jess started begging. "I will stop after you guys tell me what happened to Anna. What more horrible things did you do to my Anna?" He shouted.

"Austen please don't do this. If you want to punish us let the law handle it. If you do this it would also harm you. Please. You can hand us over to the cops no one would say a word against it" I tried to talk Austen out of it. 

"I don't care about what happens to me. These people got away after killing Anna and your stupid law did nothing. The law sides with the rich. It cares nothing about justice or truth. I am going to give justice to Anna" Austen said. Austen went back and bought a long knife.

"Anna and I grew apart after my ex threatened her and she stopped talking to me and moved here to start a new life. One day she called me all crying telling me about the horrible things you guys did to her. You broke the girl who I only remembered to have a smiling face that would brighten up anyone's day. And the next day what I hear is, she is dead. Suicide? Bullshit. She promised me she would get through this. She was not a person to kill herself like a coward but face her fears. I knew you guys killed her. I need to give Anna justice. Now tell me what happened that day or you all die" Austen said while sobbing.

Alex and Jessica were keeping their mouth shut. "Guys what are you doing? Tell him" I shouted. "No, I know he will kill us whether or not we tell him. He wants to know the truth so until we don't tell him he has no other option but to let us live" Alex explained. "Yes, Davina let's just trust Alex on this" Jess said. "Are you guys crazy? He will kill us right now without blinking" I yelled. I have to do something now.

"Austen, I know you are big on promises. When you promise something you never back off from it. Right? So, promise me if we tell you what you want to know you will not hurt us or torture us, you won't kill us, you wouldn't hurt us by any means, you will leave without doing anything and I mean anything, You will drop the knife on the floor and not touch the rope and just leave and, we will never see each other again" I said. I chose my words very precisely.

"Davina great. If he promises this then he would have to let us leave. He won't have an option" Alex blurted. "So, Austen tell me will you promise me?" I asked again but he just nodded. "I need your word, Austen" I spoke.

"You have my word, Davina..."

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