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Connor's POV

Disclaimer:  18+ (Contains strong language, sexual assault, and abuse)

Anna accepted my proposal and we started dating, which makes me halfway done with my bet. But for some reason, I started feeling sorry for Anna. I think I'm falling for her. I needed to end this soon, I can't let my feelings mess this up. But I don't want to hurt her anymore. 

After Anna and I started dating Jess and Ashley started making their moves. Anna would complain about it but I started avoiding her, ignoring her, and leaving her when she needed me. But now I wanted all this to stop so I went to Alex's apartment to ask jess to stop.

"What? Do you want me to stop? Have you lost your mind?" Jess yelled at me. "Enough is enough Jess. She learned her lesson. You need to stop now" I tried to make her understand. "The bet is not over. Connor, you remember what you need to do right?" Ashley said.

"Did you- no right? Connor, did you fall for Anna?" Alex said. And my eyes widened while hearing it. Am I in love with Anna? No! she's such a loser. I will never love a girl like her. right?

"No- I will never. What are you talking about man?" I stuttered. "Well, then what's the problem? Don't pity her. she deserves this. Toy with her a little more and leave her. Simple" Alex said. "I have an idea. Connor if you are sick of this why don't you leave her tonight?" Jess said. "Can I?" I asked. I was happy that all this was about to end.

"Yea after you have sex with her" Jess said and my world suddenly collapsed. "What are you talking about? She is still not ready to kiss me how can I have sex with her?" I retorted.

"Force her, and then break up with her" Jess said while grinning from teeth to teeth. I wasn't sure I could do something like that to a girl. From what I know she is still a virgin.

"What? Don't tell me you chickened Connor. Stop being such a pussy and do it. It's just sex. Go have fun my boy" Alex laughed.

"C'mon Connor. Why are you being such a bore?" Ashley said. "Connor what- are you not confident enough to make her sleep with you? Are you not man enough? Or is it too small?" Jess smirked. That's it I had enough. My anger got the best of me. I called Anna and asked her to come to my Beach house now.

I arrived and saw Anna standing near to porch. I grabbed her hand roughly and pulled her inside the house. I started kissing her hungrily. She tried to stop me but I was out of control and suddenly she pushed me.

"Connor, what is wrong with you? Why are you doing this? You're hurting me." She asked while soothing her hand which I held so tightly that it was all red now. "What? You are my girlfriend, right? So, can't you kiss me? Or do you like someone else now?" I said angrily. "What are you talking about Connor I love you, and only you," she said. She tried to hold my hand but I pushed her away. "Then prove it, prove to me that you love me," I said. "How can I prove to you that my love for you is real?" she asked.

"Sleep with me" I replied. Her eyes instantly widened. "No! I am sorry Connor I can't" she started picking up her things and was about to leave.

"Where do you think you are going, huh?" I pulled her hand angrily and threw her over my shoulder she started hitting me and asked me to put her down but I was not in my right mind. I threw her on the bed and started undressing her. She started shouting and yelling telling me to stop but I didn't.

I raped her...

And after that, I broke up with her. She called me many times but I blocked her number, in school I let Jess and Ashley handle her. I took some of her pictures that night, which I never intended to leak but Alex saw my phone and posted the pictures on the school's official website. Anna was suspended even though she didn't do anything.

That's when I saw Anna get silent. The fearless girl was now quiet. I know a big part of it is me. I was the reason for her to be like that. I was the person she loved with all her heart, she trusted me but I broke her trust. I broke her...



"That's it I told you everything I did. Now please let me go" I begged.

"She trusted you. How could you do this to someone who poured so much love into you? You all are not capable of being called Humans. How can you do something so low? You guys are animals, fucking animals" He yelled.

"I know what I did was wrong. I realized it after she died. Please let me go. You promised to let me go" I begged again and again.

"You don't deserve to live. People like you are supposed to die the death of a dog" he said in a very low voice which scared the shit out of me. "No please, please you promised to let me go, you said I would never see you again. Don't do this please" I was terrified as worst-case scenarios started playing in my mind.

"Yea I promised you would never have to see me again. So, I'll keep my promise. After you die, you would never have to see anyone left alone me." He replied laughing.

"No-!" I screamed.


That was the last thing I heard after everything went black...

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