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Connor's POV

"Connor, I am scared. I have a really bad feeling about that Austen guy" Ashley called me all scared after what happened at the funeral.

"Forget it, Ash. He's nothing. We'll be okay. Now go and sleep. Let's talk in the morning, bye" I replied and cut the call.

Even though I had a bad feeling about him but I shrugged it off. I was walking home after my basketball practice. That's when I got a notification from an Unidentified number. It was a picture of Anna's funeral but the change was instead of Anna's picture it was MINE. 

What kind of sick joke is this? There was something written at the end of the picture, I zoomed in to see, 'YOU KILLED ANNA PEARL', my phone fell off my hands and suddenly I felt as if someone was watching me. I picked up my phone and ran home as fast as I can.


"This is just a sick joke" Jessica laughed. "Oh! is it? huh. I am telling you someone knows" I shouted. How can they not see that I was getting blackmailed?

"Did you check the number?" Ashley asked. "Yes, I did but it's under an unregistered name" In explained. "Guys, what if someone saw us?" Ashley spoke nervously. "Ash! keep it down. Someone might hear you, and it's just a joke. No one knows. You just need to keep your big mouth shut" Alex whispered and yelled at Ash. "Guys stop, Davina's coming" Jessica exclaimed.

"Hey! guys have you seen Austen? It's his first day and he asked me to meet up near the lockers, he said he had something to tell me about Anna" Davina asked.

"Austen? what do you mean it's his first day?" Jess yelled. I guess the whole school heard her.

"Yea! He wanted to attend Silver High so I asked my dad to talk to the headmaster and let him transfer mid-sem" Davina explained. "Why did you do this? Are you out of your mind? He knows Anna, what will happen now?" I yelled at Davina. "What- what do you mean?" Davina asked, completely clueless, I was about to say something when Jess cut me off, "Nothing, he just means Anna was her best friend and she died here so it must be hard for him to go here" Jess said while eyeing me to shut up.

"Davina, you should stay away from Austen, you don't know who he is and what he wants. Be careful" Alex said cautiously. "I think he's okay and I feel connected to him, Anna was my friend too. But thanks, I'll be careful"  Davina said and left.

That's when I got a message again from the same number:-


"Guys! Look it's the same number" I was scared. That's when Ash said something that caught my attention. "Guys, Austen is looking here and he has his phone in his hand. Do you think maybe..." 

That's it I lost it. I started towards Austen who was now talking to Davina. I pushed him onto the locker and held him by the collar. "Connor, what are you doing? Leave him. NOW" Davina yelled at me.  "It's you, Isn't it? You were the one sending me those creepy texts?" I yelled at him. "What the hell man? I didn't text you anything, I don't even have your number." Austen exclaimed.

Everyone surrounded us. Alex and Jessica were trying to get me off of Austen's neck. "Get off Connor, everyone's watching" Alex whispered and yelled at me. I got off and snatched Austen's phone. The wallpaper was of Austen and Anna's childhood pictures. I called the unidentified number on my phone but to my surprise, Austen's phone didn't ring. "You happy now? Man I just said I don't even have your number and..." he came close to my ears and whispered "I am not Anna, I won't sit back and let you trample me as you did to her"

He knows. I am sure he does know something. The bell rang and Alex and Jessica took me away from him. "I am saying he knows something. He said he won't let us do the things we did to Anna" "We don't know anything for sure. Just stay away from him. We need to be careful" Jessica replied.

Later that night I was walking home from my practice and I had a feeling as if someone was following me. I turned but I saw no one. I started walking again thinking I must be mistaken that's when I heard the footsteps. I picked up my pace and started walking faster the footsteps also grew louder and louder. That's when I took my phone out to call someone for help, but a text suddenly popped up on my screen. It was from the same restricted number. There was a picture of me walking home. 

Wait!! this picture is taken just now. The person following me was the person sending me these texts. I started running and dialing 911. As soon as I was about to press call someone put a bag on my face and I was thrown in a van.

And that's when I realized that I was in some very serious shit...   


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