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Davina's POV

Breaking News: Yesterday night Silver High lost one of their precious student, Anna Pearl, who committed suicide by jumping off the school building. Students can be seen putting flowers on her locker to respect her. When asked by her classmates, many replied by saying she was suffering from depression, which is suspected as the main cause of suicide.

I don't believe this, Anna was not someone who would commit suicide. The people who didn't even know or like Anna are now putting flowers and lighting candles beside her locker. The sight of it makes me feel sick to the stomach.

"Excuse me, you are Davina. Davina Claire, right?" I heard someone call my name—a tall guy, with gorgeous blue eyes.

"Yes! That'd be me" I replied

"Hello! My name is Austen Summers. I've heard a lot about you from Anna." Said the tall guy.

"You knew Anna?" I dumbfoundedly asked.

"Yes! we were childhood friends. We lived right next to each other in Mexico. But lost touch because my girlfriend didn't like Anna, and then she moved here." Austen replied.

"Oh! so, you came to attend the funeral?" I asked, which was incredibly stupid of me to ask.

"Oh yes. By the way, was that Anna's locker?" he asked, pointing towards the locker buried in white roses.

"Yes. half of the people putting on roses and candles didn't even like her. Such an act" I said with a very disgusted tone. That's when I saw my friends across the hall. Talking about Austen, I suppose because every two seconds they were staring at him. Making it so obvious.

"He knew Anna?" Connor said "So what? That doesn't mean he knows" Jessica replied "let's go talk to him" Alex said, "would it be a good idea?" Ashley spoke in a low tone.

"Yea! C'mon Let's go, he's my type" Jessica squealed.

I saw my friends coming towards us. 

"Hey! so you are the new guy everyone's been talking about" Jessica winked at Austen

"Jess not today. It's a funeral for god's sake" I said in a very disgusted tone.

"Whatever. By the way, what's your name?" Jess asked.

"Austen, Austen Summers. And you all are?" Austen replied politely.

"Oh! They are my friends, that's Jessica, Ashley, Alex, and Connor" I introduced.

As soon as I finished, I saw a weird change in Austen's expression. He went from a very sweet warm person to an extremely cold one.

"Finally, we meet. I was waiting to meet you guys. Heard a lot about you from Anna, she was my best friend back in Mexico" he said in a very cold tone which scared me. And to my surprise, I saw everyone's body getting tensed up. They were nervous, but why?

There was an awkward silence finally Alex breaks it "Only good things, I suppose. I am so sorry for your loss. Sadly, she committed suicide. You must be devastated."

"Oh! You think she committed suicide?" Austen asked.

"Or was she MURDERED..." 

The Dead Girl's RevengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora