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The ring of a bell is heard, and everyone rushes out of their classrooms, and went out of the building. Things have went back to normal. Zill and kayla are doing ok after their conversation during the vampire attack. Everything seemed fine now. 

For jeff however, he was still thinking about what happened. While roy is walking back to jack's house. Jeff went to the very place where he last hang out with spam, kayla, and vanexa. He lay up on the ground to relax, and watch the blue sky and clouds he sees. 

Jeff starts to feel worried, and scared for what he had seen. Roy almost died to the vampire, zill got hurt from the vampire.  Which he heard he's doing ok. This was too much for jeff to think. 

Jeff sighs. "I wonder if I should check on roy?" Then he changed his mind. "Actually, Ill give him some room." "I don't blame him for being awfully scared." Jeff said to himself. "Jeff, you ok?" He lifts himself up, and turns around to see zill and kayla. "Oh, hey guys." Jeff said. 

"Are you doing ok after, well." Kayla hesitated on finishing the sentence. "The vampire attack?" Jeff finished. "Yeah." "That." Kayla said. "I'm doing ok, but I was worried more about zill and roy." "I wish it was all a dream, but that shit was real." "Too real." Jeff said. 

"Don't worry man, look." "I'm doing fine, see?" Zill tries to get jeff to look at him, letting him know he's doing fine even though he got bit. Jeff does look at zill, and he is right. He is doing ok thanks to the doctor. But he decided to look at the ground. Because his mind was thinking about his best friend. Zill sees that worried look. He realized its roy he was worried. Zill sat down next to him, and paces his hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Kayla also sat down next to jeff. 

"Listen, safe haven may look like a paradise." "But every paradise does have dangers." "Whether its a home you want or not." "Ether way, there's always something waiting for anyone." Zill said. "But more importantly is to remember." "No matter how far away you are from your friends and family." "Your not alone, and you will never will be." "Because we're right here." Kayla said. 

Jeff felt those words, and lift his head up. "And we can say the same for him too." "What I know when roy shared his little story." "I felt bad for him." Zill said. Jeff makes a confused look. "What story did he tell ya?" Jeff asked. Kayla listens carefully. Since she doesn't know about it. 

"Did roy ever told you about his parents?" Zill asked. Jeff think for a moment. Then he remembered. During one time at their school. 


"So roy, you got any plans for the weekend?" Jeff asked. "I dunno." "My uncle did tell me we are going to the arcades to play some games." Roy said. "Just only you and your uncle?" Jeff asked. "Pretty much." Roy replied. This gets jeff curious, its only his uncle. But not his parents. 

"What about your parents?" Jeff asked. Roy got silent for a moment hearing that, he eventually answered. "I don't see my parents much." "But, I don't think I may not see them ever again." Roy said. "Huh?" "Why not?" Jeff asked. Roy was about to answer, but was able to change the subject. "It doesn't matter, I got to go." "See ya jeff." Roy waved, and left. Leaving jeff confused. 

Flashback end 

"He had, but he left me vague." "He was about to talk about it, but he just dodged the question." "Did something happened?" Jeff wondered. "We don't know, but what he did shared with me and jack. "Was he knows little about his parents when he was seven." "And when he got dropped off to his uncle flynn's house." "He never got any word, or received any letters from his parents again." "For eight years." Zill said. 

Jeff got surprised hearing that. He never heard anything from his folks for eight whole years. That story about his parents was enough to make kayla feel bad for him. She felt really bad for roy, she shed a tear. "That was the most saddest story I heard." "It felt like how a story begins when you open the book, and started reading the beginning." Kayla said. 

"Only almost every story starts a little sad." "Now I know why he didn't want to talk about it." "It was too depressing he doesn't want to share it with anyone." "I had that feeling." Jeff said. Zill raised his eyebrows in question. "You mean?" Zill was about to finish. "Let's just say, he's not the only one that has a sob story about parents." "As much as I don't want to give much thought about my past." "But I know roy would wanna hear it." Jeff said. 

"And then what?" Kayla asked. "Just so he knows that I feel a similar pain, but this one."         "This one, is a real kick in the feels." Jeff said. 

Jack's house 

Roy made it to jack's house. He enters the house, and goes upstairs to his room. As soon as he sat down on the bed. His door opens. It was mindy. 

"Roy, I heard about what happened." "And I was so worried about you and jack." "But jack told me the news that put me at ease." "Are you hurt?" Mindy asked. Roy stayed silent. Mindy catches the gloomy look. She jumped up to the bed to sit next to roy. "Roy?" "Is anything alright?" Mindy asked. "No." "I just." "I." Roy stuttered. "I don't think I feel safe." Roy said. 

"What do you mean?" Mindy takes the obvious guess. "Is it about the vampires?" Mindy assumes. "They were here to kill me." "And." "I saw one bit zill." "I remember one time he had a phobia." "And to see they were here for me too." "Makes me unsafe." "Not sure If I want to go out again." "Or even try to find my parents." "Maybe." "Maybe I never hear from them was because-" 

Mindy shushes him, she didn't want roy to finish that. "Don't you say that." "Don't assume their dead." "I remember meeting your parents when they helped us evade the hunters." "And while I never heard anything from them." "That would mean their missing somewhere." "If they are, then what does it mean roy?" Mindy said. "What?" Roy waits for an answer. 

"It just means their lost." "Their not gone or dead, their lost." "And something that's lost can be found." "You can't just assume for the worst that happened." "You will find them." "Jack believes in you." "And so do I." Mindy places her hand on his arm. "No matter what happens, you must be prepared." Mindy said. Roy takes a moment to think. And decides that she's right. There's no reason to jump any conclusions, not yet. 

"If jack was here." "I would so tell him your mom is good at giving me advices." "And taught me not to give up." Roy said. Mindy forms a smile, she was able to help him not to lose any hope. 

"Mindy, thank you." "I remember my mom would tell me not be a quitter." "And I won't be one." "I don't care whoever says otherwise." Roy said. Mindy gets off the bed. "You relax dear." "Ill brief jack that your doing ok." Mindy said. "Okay." Roy nodded. 

Mindy exits his room. Mindy walks down the steps, and sees jack had just got home. "Hey mom, how's roy doing?" Jack asked. "Roy is doing okay." Mindy answered. "Are you sure?" Jack asked. "I'm sure." "I've had a talk with him." "And Let's just say, I was able to give him one thing he needed." Mindy said. "And what's that?" Jack wondered. 

At roy's room, roy takes out a photo of his mom and dad. Filled with determination to find them when the time comes. "Hope." Mindy said.                   

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