Welcome to zoo phoenix academy

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Zechariah is guiding the seven humans throughout safe haven to go see cameron. While being guided by zechariah, the seven humans got a look at this city. A city filled with all kinds of creatures. And some of them share an odd stare. Jeff nervously waved at them. Trying to make it less awkward. And at last. They made it to the building that definitely looks like a school building. Roy, jeff, and the others looked in awe at the size of a building. 

"Welcome to zoo phoenix academy." Zechariah announced. "Zoo phoenix academy?" "That's a fitting name." Roy said. "Well considering that it may be full of animals that walk and talk." "I say the zoo part lives up to the title." Jeff said. "Know there are other creatures besides us animals that roams around here." Zechariah added. "Lions and tigers and bears?" Roy guessed. "Oh my." Alena finished. Roy, connor, and jeff her an odd look. "I mean someone has to finish that sentence." Alena said. "I admire that reference." "But I mean others besides animals." Zechariah said. "Ooh, ooh." "Like vampires?" Jeff raised his hand. "Yes."  Zechariah said. "Uh mermaids?" Sampson guessed. "Yes." Zechariah confirmed "Even mermaids are here?" "Wow, this is getting crazy." Sampson scratched his head. "What's next, demons?" Connor wondered. 

"That too Mr. Lockhart." Zechariah answered. "Seriously?" Connor said in a shocked tone. "Are there any-" Roy gets cut off. "If your gonna say aliens." "No, they don't exist." Zechariah confirmed. "Oh, ok." Roy said. "And there are vampires as well as ghost."  Zechariah said. "Vampires?" "Ghosts?" The two humans from the back row said. "Indeed Ken, Tina."  Zechariah announced their names. They all enter the building, and see everyone roaming the hallways. 

"Wow, I wonder how big this place is?" Connor wondered. "You'd be surprised connor." Zechariah replied. They kept on walking throughout the hallway, until. "My goodness." "Are those the new arrivals I heard about?" 

They turn to see a woman dressed in blue and yellow dress

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They turn to see a woman dressed in blue and yellow dress. While her hair is light blue, yellow, and green. "Yes, they just arrived." "Kids, meet Jackie." "The music teacher." Zechariah said. "Its nice to meet all of you." Jackie said in a singing tone. "Same to you." Alena said. "Likewise." Connor said. "So where are they going?" Jackie asked. "They want to meet cameron." "This girl alena seems to know her." Zechariah said. "No way?" Jackie said. "Its true, she was once my substitute teacher." Alena said. "Wow, I didn't know that." "In that case." "Ill take you all to her." Jackie said. "Excellent." "Ill be waiting by the office when your done." Zechariah said. 

"No problem" "Come along darlings." Jackie said. The seven humans followed jackie all the way into the auditorium. "Before we meet cam, I like you to get to know others." "Starting with my students." "Good afternoon my sparking turtle doves." Jackie greeted them in her singing voice. "Hey jackie." They all said. "Hey, is that humans?" The teen girl in purple said. "Yep, not one but seven of them." Jackie replied. "Seven huh?" "That's pretty good. The brown jackal said. 

"Don't be shy, come introduce yourselves." Jackie gestures them to follow. Roy tries to keep up with them, unaware the fox is on his back. Holding his head. Roy starts to feel aware, and the fox jumps into his arms looking at roy with a smile. Roy Was confused, but can't help seeing him adorable since he is in his arms. "Uh, hi." "How are you?" Roy asked. The fox respond just by licking his face. And jumps off. The others notice the shenanigan that happened just now. 

"Ok, nice to meet you too." Roy said while wiping his cheek with his arm. "Did that fox just lick ya?" Jeff asked. "From the looks of it, I say he just did." Connor said. They then went back to walk down the steps to greet jackie's students. "Everyone, this is the humans that transferred from high school." "This is sampson, connor, alena, jeff, and roy." Jackson introduced them each. "Transferred from high school huh?" "You don't get to hear that everyday." The yellow creature said. Jeff walk towards the yellow creature in a curious way. 

"So uh, If you don't mind asking?" "What are ya exactly?" "You look pretty cool." Jeff asked. "Thanks." "As for me?" "I don't know what I am to be honest." "My name's Zillion, but you can call me zill for short. Zill said, putting his hand out to greet jeff. Jeff shakes his hand. "Really?" "Wow, now that's a mystery." "That's awesome."  Jeff said with some excitement. 

"Oh and this is ken and tina." "The only humans from college." "Their only here to find their career path." Jackie announced. "Hello." Ken waved. "Hi." Tina waved as well. Connor goes to greet the teen girl in purple. "Hi, I'm connor." Connor greets her. "I'm Sahara." "So what do you think of this place?" Sahara asked. "Its surprising." "I just don't know where to even say." Connor said. "I guess you'll have to get to know the place." Sahara said. "Yeah, pretty much." Connor said. The freckled girl with red bushy hair. Approached connor and sniffs him. Connor turns to see her. "Hi, its nice to meet you." Connor greeted her. She tilts her head, then speaks. 

"I'm not even sure what to think of you, but if my nose says is ok." "Then your ok." "Mackenzie."  Mackenzie introduced herself, in a shy tone. Connor then sees the cat logo on her shirt. "Nice shirt." Connor complimented.  Mackenzie eyes wide hearing the compliment. "You, like cats? Mackenzie asked in a quiet voice. "Yeah, I like animals." "But I'm mostly team cats." Connor said.
"Glad to hear someone likes cats." Mackenzie said, feeling happy. 

Sampson approached the red jackal who is glowing red. Floating. Sampson has a confusing look on his face. "Hey, how are you floating anyway?" Sampson asked. "You wanna know?" The red jackal raised his eyebrows in a sneaky way.  "Well duh." Sampson answered. 

"Oh well, its because- "I'm The Anti Crist!" He said in a demonic voice. Revealing his scary looking face. Sampson Eyes wide in shock like he's about to have a heart attack. "HOLY FREAK SHOW!" "Its a demon!" Sampson freaked out. "Rude." Jackie said, not fondly of what the red jackal did. "Again Damian?" "Really?" The brown jackal said. "Hey, tough guy wanted the answer." "So I gave him one." "Wow, that jock had it coming." Damian laughed. 

Alena went to the kangaroo. The kangaroo starts to admire her hair. "I like your hairband." The kangaroo complimented her pretty ordinary hairband. "Thanks." "Never met a girl  who liked my style before." "I'm alena." Alena introduced herself. "Kayla." "Its a pleasure to meet you." "The guy over there that's meeting your friend." "That's my boyfriend, zill." Kayla pointed at zill. "Wow, good to know." "So what do you guys do here?" Alena asked. "Well as you could tell." "We like to showoff our talents, and-" The fox from earlier interrupts kayla. "We love to sing, and dance." The fox emerges behind the piano. "Oh yes, that so." Kayla finished. 

"This is spam, he likes to sneak around and lick anyone." "Like he did to cameron, and that other friend of yours." Kayla said. "Its nice to meet you." Spam shook alena's hand. "I'm alena, nice to meet you too spam." Alena said. Roy is watching everyone talking with each other. Roy doesn't know which one who to greet. The brown jackal does greet roy however. As he noticed he might got left out. "Hello." Roy turns to see its the brown jackal. Roy noticed that he looked like he's endured so much damage. "Oh uh, hi." "I never greeted some talking animals before." "Other then the talking giant cheetah." Roy said. "I know you probably got the same questions like our new guidance consular has." "I'm Jack." "My actual name is jackson, but you can call me jack." Jack introduced himself. "I'm roy." Roy and jack shook hands, but jack's arm came off. 

This starts to get roy scared. But jack assures him it happens. "Don't worry, it happens quite a lot." "All you need to do is just put it back." Jack said. Roy tries what jack said. And with that. His arm is back on. "See, not a problem." Jack said. "Woah, that was random." Roy said, being confused and a little surprised. "I hope I didn't scare ya." Jack said with worry. "Its fine." "You did scare me to be honest, but that's not gonna change it for me." Roy said. "Not even bad luck?" Jack asked. "Huh?" "What do you mean?" Roy wondered. 

Before jack could tell him, jackie intervenes. "I hope everyone has got to know each other." "Let's go see cameron shall we?" "After that vanexa here will escort you to the principle's office." "The office where zechariah and winston is." Jackie said. "Who's vanexa?" Jeff asked. "Look above you."

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