Ladyug returns part one

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     (im lazy so huge time sikp)

        Marinettes pov

          I stared long and hard at my buetiful baby boy , My presciuos litte Axel. To think I almost lost him yesterday at the hands of a man-abossed-hore from fuckin high-school.

    I put the baby to sleep and whent to my nightstand ,opend the dwaer and took out the mirical box , pulling out my ladybug errings . When hawkmoth AKA Gabrial Agretse was defted the Miraculouses wre no longer requider  but I will admit i do have some ok ALOT of rgret for taking Ladybug away from paris but I had promised Luka when we got together he made me promise him that I would never put myself i harmes way like that ever agian , well im sorry sweethart but the world needs ladybug .

       Taking Ladybug away was the worst mistake that Ive ever made , Amistake I'll never make agian .........NEVER. I look back at my sleping newborn and looked deep into his bluebell eyes  the same bluebell eyes that stared back at me in my mirror.

  Im doing this for you my son I wisperd  as I placed the erring in my earlobe and the litte red flash of light swired around me , seconds  my old copainion was returned.

  MARINETTE Tikki squeled with tears of joy hugging Maris cheeck

     Its been way to long tikki Marinrtte addimited Im so sorry .

    Its okay marinette im just gladoyu relized how much the world needs ladybug

I am too.

Meanwhile with a couple of snekes lisiening at the door.


       Me and coffe boy were listenig at the bedroom door and we heard Marinettes plan  to have her return as ladybug  and I personaliy was overjoyed to hear about her plan and i couldint wait to  bust out them  miraculuoses onece aigan it'll be just like when we were kids teenagers, kicking ass and saving lives but alass fucking Luka had to be a huge party-pooper with his over- prtective specches. 

Luka's pov

WHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT NO Luka schreecd  to the top of his lungs like a litte bitch .

   She can't....she cant be ladybug agian

We have a baby now ,were  a happy family she can't just give that up. What about Axel , what about me , our home , our family , OUR LIVES TOGETHER . I can't belive she's willing to give this up WHY.

      Annalese then spoke up and said,  Dude i get it your worried but you have to admit it was kinda messed up and selfish on how you whanted ladybug to just disapper like that , Paris needs its gardian and if you cnt accept it than you can just leave , go get lost . Marinette dosn't need someone who holds her back like this.

        Coffe boy almost had a hart attack on the spot at those words , no he begian I don't whant her to leave . I took a good long molment to think and relized that she was deffintily right it had been so selfish to just take ladybug away like that , being the role of the super heroien was practicly apart of Maris being and................

I ripped it  away . Damit I thought I was protecting her insted i just made things worst god.

    Maybe I sould go talk to her i mutterd out loud.

Ummm only one problum  with that my dude Annalese giggled  Marinette or should I say ladybugs already taken off...........


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