Is it the end

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      After a few weeks of speaking on end with lawyers, Marinette was so stressed that her OB put her on full bed rest for a month.

        Soon enough they finally got the information they'd been wanting to hear. Luka was on the phone with his lawyer who 100% assured him that there was no way possible that Adrian could sue for custody. And meanwhile, Annie paid a visit and was telling Marinette of house Adrian was a f****** convicted felon and Natalie was just a lowlife drunk but there was no way either of them would win a case against any of us, but then again no courtroom even really going to give them a chance anyway so didn't worry about unless you count Adrian doing something stupid which everyone knows he was bound to do.

      Meanwhile at the jailhouse.

WAIT WHAT ARE YOU KIDDING ME Agreste shouted from inside his cell, he was on the phone with his lawyer and Natalie. Hey, shut up dude I'm trying to sleep his cellmate shouted.

     , Adrian and smack himself in the Jesus Christ come on people with there's no way in hell I mean I want my revenge on these idiots. That's when he practically punch himself in the face when he realized f*** I just said my evil plans out loud that one sentence instantly made his lawyer hang up on him and now the guard just told him that his phone privileges were gone for the rest of the month this is just great.

    That's when he just took a pocket knife that he stole from one of his cellmates and started stabbing at the wall until it started cracking a hole big enough for him to slip through. And once again the popo sounded their alarm.

I'm Coming For You Marinette.

     Marinette and Luka had no idea what was going to happen within minutes but still considering most recent events coffee boy was always on edge looking out the window every night holding a pistol. And let's just say his efforts were in vain because soon enough he heard Marinette's blood-curdling scream.

WHAT'S WRONG Luka shouted he ran into the bedroom just at the moment the sea Adrian psychotic was smiling at him while holding a knife to Maris's throat, of course, he pointed his gun at him but that's when Adrian Hissed if you even think of pulling the trigger Imma slice  her throat like a piece of meat. Out of pure Terror he dropped his gun and held his hands up and surrender Adrian then smirked and shoved his knife in marinette's throat.....


The pain she suffered (A Lukanette Tale)Where stories live. Discover now