unwanted surprise

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(fast forward like 3 years Marinette and Luka have been dating for like so long). Hey hun how your day Mari asked her beloved boyfriend. Mari  the shop is going great (BTW he opened up his own little mini like junk shop). Oh that's great that she replied there's almost ready, by the way Annalese dropped by for a visit while you were gone. Oh what was she here for now to interrogate you and make sure I was treating you right he laughed. What else is new Marinette giggle as she served pasta on his plate. Very true what else is new with that girl same thing ever since she was in high school Luka smiled at her. Just then  marinette's phone rang it was Annie of course, hello my dear cousin Marinette answered, hey Mari hope I'm not interrupting anything Annalese answered on the other side . No you're not she replied what you calling for just checking in again Marinette chuckled , you going to interrogate me over FaceTime Luka laughed . Actually I called to tell you something else Annalese answered uneasy . Annie you sound off what's wrong they both ask concerned. Give the phone to Luka it's better to tell him that I tell you she answered. Mari gave the phone to Luka. Yeah Annie now what's going on he asked even more nervous than before, well coffee boy you know Adrian gets out of jail today right, Luka actually stopped functioning for a second there was no way in hell that bastard was actually getting out of jail right, Annie please tell me you're joking he asked getting kind of pissed off . She then replied you don't know how badly I wish I could say haha it's just a joke or sike  or something like that but I can't cuz it's the truth plus I wouldn't joke around when it comes to that son of a b****. Question he then asked nervously he's not coming here is he , I got a call from the police station today they said that if he were to come within 500 ft of Marinette he would get arrested again but then again this is Adrian we're talking about and if he had the nerve to hit a woman he's got no problem violating restraining order either Annalese whimpered. Marinette was just listening to this idly why pretty much having a panic attack in her seat NO NO NO not again please God not again and she started panicking the abusive bastard's going to come back from me I just know it. Thanks for the heads up Annie Luka then finished, talk to you later bro bye she then hung up. He's going to kill me again he's going to kill me if Marinette started crying, he ain't going to touch you I promise Luka hugged her tightly he trying to calm her down. ' he better not do anything stupid he thought to himself'.

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