Mari/Lukas pain

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Lukas pov     God it's been 56 hours for why haven't they found her God I'm sick of this s*** Luka thought to himself chugging a beer. That's when Annalese bursted through the door and cried out, coffee boy gets sober cuz we're going hunting. Get lost you little s*** I'm not in the mood for your stupid jokes he snapped at her. Jesus jerk off I was going to say I found Marinette and I also found Adrian but then again when the f*** we never listen to me and just let me talk for once in my goddamn life oh I remember never cuz everything I say is absolute crap she shot back at him. Luka fell right out of his chair spilling alcohol all over the floor, wait you found aggressed and you found Mari too he smiled with tears in his eyes. you damn right I did coffee boy she smiled back at him . God I'm sorry I ever doubted you little girl. Yeah I'm sure you are but come on I don't care if you're drunk or not we're going to kill this bastard and we're doing it tonight. Okay first of all I'm not drunk I've only had like one beer but tipsy yes I can admit that he commented. Or whatever anyways let's get down to business.                              

Marinette's pov    Mari just sat there shaking still in shock of what just happened with flashbacks better tortured her for the last 3 years flashing before her eyes except more realistically than ever. Adrian just stood there laughing psychotically as he stared at the knife covered in Maris blood. Mari just laid there bleeding from pretty much everywhere. Adrian if you don't kill me then just kill me Marinette cried make this pathetic suffering stop. No way Marinette he spat in her face will smacking her butt I told you you're going to be mine forever whether you like it or not. It only made Marinette cry harder as she tried desperately to shake her hands loose from the ropes. Friday she had been using a loose piece of glass trying and weaken the rope and it was slowly starting to work but not fast enough. And the only source of light in this god-awful moldy-wall of what used to be a masterpiece of a mansion and it was a tiny cracked window that used to run in all kinds of cockroaches and rats. She threw up in her mouth many times since cuz this was just plain disgusting, I can't believe I used to love a psycho like you Marinette shot at him. Well believe me Marinette this psycho you're going to be with him for the rest of your life now deal with it he laughed in her face. 

THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK YOU FUCKING PSYCHO a deep pissed off angry voice came from behind. What the f*** Adrian muttered................

(Okay I'm sorry for the cliffhanger and I'm sorry if I post too much but I'm honestly bored out of my mind and I slightly come out of ideas so I'm just yeah kind of in a writer's block so peace out ✌️)

(Okay I'm sorry for the cliffhanger and I'm sorry if I post too much but I'm honestly bored out of my mind and I slightly come out of ideas so I'm just yeah kind of in a writer's block so peace out ✌️)

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The pain she suffered (A Lukanette Tale)Where stories live. Discover now