He did it again

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      Marinette and Luka we're just laying in bed trying to fall asleep thinking about the wonderful future that lied ahead hopefully.

Luka then spoke how about we turn on the news and try to relax a bit. Why the heck not. They both did it was mostly just a bunch of robberies the weather presidential b******* and a bunch of other crap that no one really bothered to watch but one thing caught their minds particularly the jail house was broken into and one of the convicts had escaped.

Reporter: a crazy maniac was just broke out of the prison by some crazy lady holding a bat she killed six security guards and injured many others remember if you want to stay safe remember to always lock your doors and windows at night and always be aware of your surroundings we will soon be updating about this thank you.

   Marinette started to shuttered in fright. Then she mumbled oh God what if that crazy lunatic comes here he can be up the street by now. Luka just kiss the top of her head and stroked her hair as if silently telling her nothing was going to happen she then relaxed and fell asleep but soon instantly awoke when the reporter spoke up again.

   Reporter: The suspect that we are looking for is the infamous Adrian agreste who went from famous Rich model boy to a cold-hearted criminal once again the suspect is extremely dangerous work with caution.

    Luka and Marinette instantly felt a sickening feeling in their stomachs thinking that more b******* was about to come their way. Marinette instantly begin to have a panic attack thinking oh my God what the frick is going to happen. Luka then pulled her into a tight hug and look deep into her eyes. Marinette I promise you nothing's going to happen then please calm down it's not good for you nor the baby. Marinette then rubbed the slightly now visible bump in her tummy and sighed.

   I'm just worried about Adrian's going to do when he figures out about the situation. Luka then put his hand on her stomach and smiled at her trust me the little bastard ain't going to do nothing neither  you nor them.

The pain she suffered (A Lukanette Tale)Where stories live. Discover now