hell starts

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      The next morning Marinette went to the front door sipping her morning tea I'm going to get the mail that was supposed to be under the doormat but then saw something completely disturbing it was an envelope with the words " READ ME " written in all caps in what looked like blood.

     She immediately slammed the door and locked it behind her while breathing heavily looking as if she was about to have a heart attack. She then went to the kitchen table where she sat down tried to catch her breath hoping she didn't wake up Luka who was still sleeping upstairs. With shaky hands she then open the envelope and written in what looked like more dried blood and familiar handwriting that she knew all too well. It read.....


     ' if you think that you could hide the fact that you were pregnant with my baby you're not that slick and if you think that  if you think that blue hair guitar Love and music sensation want to be nobody is going to take over the position of being being the father then my dear you are sadly more mistaken than you think you are believe me everything will go my way either by will or by force so either break up with that dumbass and come back to me like the good little girl you are or so help me  neither him nor you will ever see the light of day again.,'

                     Signed Adrian

          Marinette could feel her heart drop in fear she didn't even realize she was screaming until Luka ran down the stairs trying to calm her down. Baby what's wrong looking at her with those sweet puppy eyes he always have. She then wrapped her arms around him tightly he hugged or protectively and asked again what was wrong. She then pointed towards the letter on the  kitchen table which he then picked up and began to read what it said after he put it down he looked pretty pissed off but instead of freaking out and yelling like he normally would have he just tried to comfort the crying bluenette in front of him.

        Baby I'm sorry but it's gotten to the point where either I kill him or he'll kill us so if it's okay with you if we see him again I'm going to kill him . Mari giggled be my guest it would be a dream come true. He then started to laugh I just hugged her again trust me hun everything's going to be okay believe me.  She then decided she would just go back to bed I mean it was lazy Sunday after all. But after that morning fiasco Luka was more keen on how the freak he was going to keep the scumbag away from his precious Marinette that's it I got it he thought to himself  he knew that the popo were hot on Adrian's tale and showing them this nasty threat is only going to land his ass back in prison just where he belongs. And sure enough he was correct not only were they literally scavengering make all of Paris for this idiot but outside the place there was at least five cop cars watching who went in and who went out.

Let's see you try to pull your s*** now a****** Luka smerked holding his favorite pistol in his hand if it's a battle you want dick head it's a battle you'll get.


The pain she suffered (A Lukanette Tale)Where stories live. Discover now