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         After many weeks of endless treatments at the hospital with Luka and never leaving her side Marinette was finally able to come home . Luka tried to give Mari her space knowing that he shouldn't try to be all lovey dovey when her  wound is fresh.  

             Marinette can we please talk Luka ask gently putting his hand on her thigh. Marinette instantly jolted backward the slightest touch made her think that Adrian was right next to her she then burst it out crying and muttered I'm so sorry Luka I'm so sorry you have to deal with a little piece of work like me. 
       He then knelt down in front of her and gently placed his hand on her cheek Marinette you're worth every moment of my time I love you with all my heart and, I don't care how long this takes I promise you we'll get through this, end of killing Adrian is what is needed then that shall happen he smirked jokingly. Mari started giggling like genuinely giggling out of happiness .

      Lukas heart melted and he gave her the biggest hug without thinking , just realizing that he made a sudden move was about to jump backward and let go until she just wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him tight. I love you Luka Marinette Wisperd in his ear as she kissed his cheek.
    I love you too baby he smiles as he kissed her back. Promise you I'll do anything to make you happy again.

That night Marinette started violently kicking and screaming being in terror another violent nightmare of all the trauma that happened to her she was still trying to process it.  Luka who is lying right next to her instantly we woke up and just hugged her tightly trying to make her calm down. Mari stopped flinging around   and hug him back still crying continuously I should just sad through the hellish flashback .

      Finally they ever so demonic nightmare that she had to endure while she was awake finally ended then she looked up in realization Luka just sat there listening to this entire deal go down with his arms tightly wrapped around her. He then kissed the top of her head and just gave her a gentle caring smile with those twinkly puppy eyes he had ever since she met him.

    Mari then opened her mouth to say something but Luka just gently put his finger to her lip and shushed her quiet. It's okay baby I know it's going to take a while but yeah this is all normal and I'm willing to do this together.  Marinette began to cry as she hugged them tightly I don't know what I do without you she smiled through tears but I'm just scared she wimperd.
        Luka smile faded into a hell of a frown with a worried expression scared of what Mari he asked as he brushed hair out of her face. I'm just afraid that he's going to come back and that he's going to do it again when she cried he's done it once he's done it twice it will happen I just know it she sobbed even harder.

       Luka just hugged her tighter and started stroking her hair believe me sweetheart he won't be going anywhere he's burning in hell and he'll be getting exactly what he deserves sick son of a b**** f****** bastard that he is he hissed .  Eventually Marinette crying was too much for Luka too bare that's what he just pulled out his guitar and started playing her that tune that tune he played the first time he met her.

        Marinette smiles Widely while starting to giggle I'm so happy she smiled. God how did I ever get so lucky Luka thought. Once it started ending Mari had already fallen asleep on his shoulder he then kiss the top of her head and gently whispered good night princess into her ear as they both gently fell back to sleep .

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The pain she suffered (A Lukanette Tale)Where stories live. Discover now