Riddle Me This

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So, this story has been out for a while and I've had a lingering thought on my mind. I'm not sure how big of a spoiler this is, but hopefully when I've fully picked your minds about it, it'll make more sense. It seemed obvious to me when I did it because I thought it was funny, but my ciphers were better than I thought. Really, I don't think this is that big of a spoiler with how everything has been set up. People probably just forgot about them. Either that, or people have gotten what I was trying to hide and said nothing. Anyway, just try to solve this riddle I'm leaving. I'll discuss this more in the comments rather than update this over and over.

A human blood with brown hair. A Chienthrope blood with cream-colored hair. An elf blood with blonde hair.

What do you think of with this asked?

You may all roast me here --->

Also, progress has been slow since the semester is ending in like 2 weeks. Project after project leaves me with little time, but I'll do what I can.

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