Chapter 6: New Faces

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The following morning was a slow one for most of the Zeus and Hera members. Those who drank themselves into the ground now felt the backlash of their actions with a horrible hangover from the booze.

In their respective rooms...

Callisto: *Covering her head with her pillow* Agh... mercy...

Alexander: Ugh, gods dammit! *In pain*

Chiron: *yawn* Another beautiful day.

He didn't drink.

In another room...

June: *groaning*

The maid held her head in her hands while groaning in pain. She was still too messed up in the head to fully process everything that was happening around her, so she didn't notice Zald enter with several plates of food and water.

Zald: Finally awake, huh.

June: Agh... what happened?

Zald: *Hands her a glass of water* Drink this first.

She gratefully downed the cup and massaged her head before recalling the previous night.

Zald: We all had a big party to celebrate the successful expedition. As a result, most of us are knocked out, so today is a day off for all of us.

June: N-No, there's still work to do-

She tried to get up but was quickly stopped by the man.

Zald: Just stay there. No one else is doing anything today, so you may as well rest the hangover.

June: Nnn... how did this happen anyway?

Zald: You started getting clingy again after your first glass of wine. I wasn't expecting you to drink with how much of a light-weight you are.

June: Ah...

The memories started flowing back and she remembered most of what happened. The moments she three herself over him and him trying to keep her under control. SHE of all people needed a leash.

June: *Embarrased* No...

Zald: You at least had fun with the rest of us, so all's well that ends well.

June: No, it isn't!

She gripped her blankets tightly and trembled.

June: I can't believe I humiliated myself like that! It's far too unbecoming of a maid!

Zald: *Brushing it off* I hardly think it counts considering you were drunk.

June: That's no excuse! I can hardly call myself a maid, much less a Head Maid after that!

The man was growing weary of this and flicked her lightly on the forehead.

Zald: Quit overreacting.

June: But-

Zald: No buts. None of us are going to hold it against you. Just rest today.

June: I can't. I must attend to my duties- ow! *Holding her head*

Zald: You're really not going to listen to reason, are you?

She tried to give him a glare, but her lack of glasses and not having her hair tied into a neat bun made her much less intimidating.

Zald: Guess I have no choice.

June: What are you- AH!

She was startled when he threw his arm over her and held her down so she stayed in the bed.

Danmachi: Legendsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें