Chapter 9: A Special Day

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Barba: Floor 20? Are you sure that's a good idea?

Alfia: I have to speak on this as well. I'm the only Level 3 here and your experience on the Middle Floors is rather lacking.

Brioche: It's just another goal for us to shoot for. Is that so wrong?

Alfia: I'm just wondering if you aren't over extending yourselves. Cester and Nory just got to Level 2 recently. Even if they did max out their stats, they would be lacking by the time we got down there.

Nory: She does bring up a good point. Plus, our equipment might not handle the monsters down there.

Brioche: I was thinking more along the lines of a quick trip. Just get to the floor, then we leave.

Silver: Seems, a little short lived, but it beats dying.

Meteria: We should stop once we do it once. I think it would be better to master the floors before Floor 18.

Brioche: Fair enough. Sound good to everyone.

They all nodded as it sounded safe enough, but would be a new milestone for them to try for. Of course, it wasn't that easy. Within a week, they had failed twice around Floor 19. The first was because they almost were pass paraded. The second was because of a irregularity that was handled by other higher class adventurers. The third time succeeded and they landed themselves on Floor 20 before they marched back to Rivira before something else happened.

A month later...

The next month started fine. Silver and the others were able to handle Floor 20 better after some trial and error. It took three attempts, but they eventually got it. Achilles also managed to break his tie streak with Hector. That is, until he lost the next fight. Now the two were in a repetition of winning one match then losing the next. Treiy and Patroclus were still forced to be witnesses and it wasn't too interesting for long. At least the two were able to rise to Level 3 from their constant fighting. Now, Silver and the others had an issue that trumped their trips to Floor 20.

Silver: So, we have a problem.

Barba: We sure do.

Nory: Alfia and Meteria have their birthdays coming up. What do we do?

Silver: This is special for them since they've started spending their time not being sick. We have to make this special.

Jupiter: [Take their first times.]

Silver: *Ignoring him* Any ideas?

Brioche: Obviously, the party would be handled by you guys. Now we need to think of gifts.

Nory: Right! I've got a few ideas for them.

Cester: It's rather fortunate for us that they aren't here. Less chance to ruin the surprise.

Silver: I'm pretty sure they're taking lessons again.

Cester: Your Familias are relentless.

Silver: Better to be overprepared than under-prepared.

Barba: Fair enough, but back to them. We've only got like 4 days to get ready.

Silver: Let's not waste time then.

They spent much time brainstorming on it. As they did, they also took a break from Dungeon diving as they wanted to be in good enough shape to attend the party Hera was holding.

Speaking off Hera...

Hera: This emergency meeting will now begin!

Callisto: Uh, Goddess, are you sure you aren't overreacting? I get we have to make this extra special, but she wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.

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