Chapter 4: Top and Bottom

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As Silver was getting his footing with his magic, different things were happening down in the dungeon. The Zeus and Hera Familias had already crossed Floor 18 and left a group there. Now it was only two groups traveling through what remained of the Middle Floors and into the Deep Floors. Once they passed Floor 50, it was only the Executive's group with their supporters going down. They also had their fight with Balor on the way down. Alexander, Zald, Io and Europa had to team up to defeat it with Maxim on standby. The fight took quite a while, so Callisto took everyone else somewhere to wait. When they got back, the four were looking horrible. Their armor was broken in many places, but they had immense looks of satisfaction on their faces. Right now, they were resting and repairing their gear.

Callisto: So, we'll just wait until your armor is ready, then we move out.

Zald: Sounds good.

Io: I already remade some documents about Floor 58 and kept some drop items from the monsters there. We should be covered for the guild.

Europa: That just leaves our real business now. Floor 65 is going to take up most of our time.

Alexander: We don't have that much of it given how long it took us to get here.

Callisto: I don't think four days is that long. Besides, we stopped a few times anyway.

Io: Maybe we should set another camp on Floor 62 after all. If memory serves right, the next safe zone should be there.

Alexander: That should work. I'm told we'll be set the day after tomorrow.

Zald: Perfect.

On the surface...

Silver woke up feeling a little sore from yesterday, but ready to make real progress.

Silver: This is it. My time starts now. No longer will those Hera girls mock me for being weak! I'll be a respected adventurer and no one will be able to stop me!!!

???: [What are you doing?]

He suddenly heard a young man's voice in his mind.

Silver: I, uh... nothing.

???:[Really? Because it looked like you were being your own hype man.]

Silver: Are you in my head?

???: [Yup.]

Silver: Who are you?

Jupiter: [I'm just a side effect from Argonaut. I guess you can call me Jupiter, but I'm not THAT Jupiter. We just happen to have the same name and I don't have any of his memories. By all accounts, I'm a fresh new spirit with no body. Don't worry though, I should fade away into your subconscious. Sooner or later, I think.]

Silver: Okay... so, now what?

Jupiter: [Well, for now, I think my powers should give you the edge you've been needing considering you never had magic up to this point.]

Silver: And?

Jupiter: [Well, let me put this in a way you'll understand. *Mocking voice* This is your time! No longer will those Hera girls mock you for being weak!! You'll be a respected adventurer and no one will stop you!!!]

Silver: *Blushing* SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!

Now being stuck with a partner for a while, Silver got ready and mentally conversed with him. They got to know each other for a bit and then he met the others at their usual spot.

Silver: Hey!!

The two turned towards him.

Brioche: Sweet, we're all here.

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