Thirty Five

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"We'll do it on Friday then..." Jessica spoke up.

Friday. Friday was the day the doctors would try to take Danielle off the machines.


The word Friday rang in the millionaire's ear. Every time someone would ask her what day it was, her palms would glisten over with sweat.

She needed to talk to Evelyn about Friday. No matter how many pep talks she gave herself to spit it out, she couldn't. Danielle was the closest thing Evelyn had to family. They used to take care of each other.

Once Jessica left the room, Stefania held Danielle's hand and said "wake up. Please wake up. I'm so in love with you that it hurts my body. It aches my body that you're not here with me"

She wiped a stray tear, then kissed her girlfriend's lifeless hand.

"I'm so in love with you" those six words. Those words could kill. The millionaire's heart beat for this woman. She was a better person because of this woman.

"You can't leave me forever. Live for me. Live for Alex. Please don't leave us"

Stefania finally built the energy to get up and leave. She made her way towards her car when she found a note on her windshield.

She slid it out from underneath the windshield wiper and opened the note.

The millionaire's jaw dropped slightly as she read the note. Her hands began to tremble and her legs became weak.

Thoughts circulated in her head, trying to understand how this was possible. As she snapped back into reality, she got into her car and drove straight to Evelyn's house to see her daughter.


That's the speed Stefania was driving at. All the thoughts in her head were about that note. "Impossibile. Non può essere vero. Forse è un sogno?" She spoke to herself.

One hand remained on the steering wheel while the other grabbed the note from the passenger seat.

90km/ hour.

"How is he here?" She said as frustration laced her voice. Stefania put the note down and grabbed her phone from her pocket. She immediately called Jason. "Hello?" Jason spoke. "Have a full security team at Evelyn's. Now." The Italian demanded before she hung up with Jason.


"Slow down" a voice screamed in her head. Causing her to almost immediately slam on her breaks. As she did so a little boy ran out on the street, in front of her car. The millionaire parked her car and got out to check if the boy was alright.

"Hey buddy, are you alright?" She asked the boy that stood frozen in shock. Out came running, his worried mother, who immediately wrapped him in a hug. "Holy shit you're that millionaire from the TV," the mother said letting go of her son.

The Italian ignore the woman's statement and turned to the little boy. "Little man, don't run onto the streets. Here's twenty dollars, have ice cream on me" Stefania said handing him a twenty dollar bill, before walking back over to her car.

Once the millionaire drove off, she was only minutes away from Evelyn's house. As she got closer, Black Cadillac Escalades were lined down the street with Jason and his team standing outside the building.

Once the Italian had parked her car, she got out and greeted Jason and the team. "Thanks for putting a rush on this" Stefania smiled. "What's this for?" Jason asked stepping closer. Stefania simply handed him the note, without saying anything.

"Dite a mia figlia che sto arrivando" Jason read out loud.

"Jason, I can't lose her. She's the only reason I'm still going. Please you can't leave her side" the millionaire spoke out as tears began to fill her eyes.

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